ZozzV6 1000 and 2000 post double giveaway *Winners Announced!*

The first winner is post #38: AlexGT
You will get the S2+ clear with Samsung led. Details in OP.

The second winner is post #14: Agro
You will get an Osram White flat led Convoy C8 when my leds arrive and I can make it. Sorry but you need to wait for it more. But that 180-200 kcd worth it :smiley:


Congratulations to the winners! :slight_smile:

congratulations to the winners!

thanks Zoltan!

Those who don’t win don’t be sad. Soon I will make another giveaway but that will be only for my youtube channel. I will announce it in a video. It will be a Wuben flashlight that is all I can tell now :wink:

Congrats to winners.

I’m super excited to have won!
Thank you ZozzV6!!!

Congratulations to the winners :partying_face:

:open_mouth: Awesome!!! Thank you so much ZozzV6!!! PM incoming! :partying_face: :beer:

This is going to be my first Samsung led flashlight, love that neutral white!

Again, thanks!


Awesome prizes and lucky winners! Congrats guys!

Poland, and Texas :slight_smile: pretty good. Congratulations guys.

Congratulations to the winners!

Congratulations guys !

Thanks for the GAW, Zozz and congrats to the winners :beer:

I received the Convoy S2+ flashlight and love the tint of the led, thank you so much for the giveaway ZozzV6 :partying_face: :beer:

Nice. :slight_smile:

I didn’t forgot you :wink:
Got the white flats so soon I will build yours and send it.

Nice! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I received my light today. :slight_smile: :partying_face:
I’m not spending the night at home and I don’t have any 18650 so I am unable to turn it on. :weary:
I’ll write more tomorrow. Or the day after that, whenever I get time, cell and USB cable so I can upload photos.
Thanks ZozzV6!

Oh. If you were told me earlier I could add a battery too. :person_facepalming:


…you leave home WITHOUT 18650’s? :open_mouth:

HOW do you do that? :stuck_out_tongue: