Project: SUNLIKE LT1 board (Option for 660nm Red)

There was the LH351B in 2200K a while back, but it’s only 80 CRI.

I am interested in one.

2700K + 5000K is ok, but my ideal combination would probably be 2000K + 4000K.

Luminus Cube and Nichia E17A and E21A are available in some warmer color temperatures.

The Nichia are available through Eurekatronix, although that probably affects the cost.

The Luminus are available in a 2016 package (2.0mm x 1.6mm) and a 3030 package and may be easier to solder than the Nichias, which are chip scale package.

Add me for one. Thank you.

I think I will add this board to my site, customers will place an order after that I will give paypal from my business partner from China for payment. After 10+ payments I will order this flashlight. After I received (seems like 2-3 month) it I will finalized project and give it to the factory and after 1.5-2 month I will received 100-150pcbs and stencil

All done! Who need this pcb, just place order HERE and I will send paypal account for payment (with 5% fee)
It is possible to place order without registration, and there’s english language with button on the top

I think that will be better to add this to head comment

As you can see, way to speed up the project is send flashlight to me faster that Sofirn Official Store from aliexpress.

It will be 18+18 leds. I can soldering not all

And who want more warm spectrum, the 1 way to get it, it it is order 10-20k pcs 2835 leds in the factory or add 660nm. But red leds is 2.2v, so I need to test how it will work. Now I have spectrometer PG200N, so I can test ready pcbs with leds better that anyone without it

s. Do not spend my time anymore please. The only way why I do it, it is money! Yes, I like flashlights, but I can spend my time to creating head flashlight with 12w SunLike COB 36v LED (I still waiting leds from Seoul)

pps. 14.8$ (2.5+1.5+10.8) + 6$ (shipping for any order) + 5% paypal fee

Interested in one also.

Who need this pcb, just place order HERE and I will send paypal account for payment (with 5% fee)
It is possible to place order without registration, and there’s english language with button on the top

Hi Lampman, I made the order and asked for Paypal in a reply mail. Nice initiative, thanks Sunnysunsun and Lampman! :+1:

Check spam folder. Fu…ing gmail =(

paypal is: 50380707[d0g]
add paypal fee 5%
add mark: for Adam for BLF LT1 pcb order#

Done :slight_smile:
Good luck with the work!

Thanks! You’re first who payed =)

Red should be possible without any problems. The AMC7135s will drop down the voltage and feed them a constant current.

I will make an order once I sort out the address I will be at in a few months time.

Is there a reason for 18+18 instead of the evenness of 20+20? Is it space needed for pcb trace routing?

yes, from out - and from +

so, 18+18 it is maximum

They will be MUCH brighter?
Do you know when these will become available?
Do you have any data to compare to the 2nd generation SOL2835?
Id assume they will be more efficient at the same current (Higher flux BIN/higher lumen per watt).

If that’s the case, Id rather wait for the 3rd gen SOL2838 to justify the emitter swap and proposed higher efficiency.

First, need to raise money at all to start this project. And after pcbs are ready, it will be very easy to solder any other LEDs there. But at this rate of raising money, I suspect that the 5th generation will come out before the boards will be ready…

My intention was to first check how many people would be interested in this idea and if we had the interest, then we would go ahead and take the steps towards making it.

If we didn’t have the interest for about 100 orders, it wouldn’t be worthwhile trying to put this into production.

Personally I think it is a bit premature to be fundraising before we really have an idea of how many people would be interested.

If I thought exactly the same, then my SunLike light bulbs would appear in 2020, but they appeared at the very beginning of 2018

s And at all. I said that 10 customers would be enough. You were talking about 50 or 100

pps. I already ordered the red ones 2835 660nm. But with flashlight some problems… Sofirn official store on aliexpress did not answered about shipping inside China and discount with it :frowning:


It will need 2-4 jumpers…
only 3v and 2.4A and not so much space for lines (tracks)

like here

I have sent my order and am ready to pay :+1:

I think 16+16 would be best so the brightness is more even. Wouldn’t 18+18 make the brightness less even without increasing the overall brightness by much?

Do you need jumpers? Wouldn’t something like this work where the red highlight is the (+) and the black is the Warm white Negative and the blue is the Cool White Negative work?

Order sent, asking for Paypal