Noctigon 20mm copper triple XPG/XPE/XTE coming soon!

would it be worth making this a 35mm board, so that it’s compatible with the 35mm Cute optics? I’m not sure how that fits with flashlight hosts (literally) though or if there are any 32mm triple XM-L optics as I haven’t looked.

Thats only ok if you provide a link. ;)

Since you asked, it’s this one:

I’m using it to driver a Luxeon 3up in series.

Actually, looking at it side by side with the DQG18650, if I could substract the length of the spacer the Convoy S5 would be almost as short as the DQG (I need a dedicated Convoy TIR host! ).

Hank, will you also be offering them bare?
I have a lot of 219A in my drawer, so I don’t like the idea of paying for 3 extra LEDs that I don’t really need.

Click this here linky thing and read what it says-->

Added to the “Must buy” list. Now off to shop for hosts that will fit it and copper bar stock. 2000+ lumen pocket rocket incoming!

Yes they will also be offered bare.

I just now noticed the clever electrical circuitry on this board, so you can get the leds parallel with just a few solderbridges instead of the usual bunch of wires, well thought out!

Indeed, thats very smart. But rebuilding some triples would be a PITA, so I dont think I'll do that.^^

+1, I'm super excited to get my hands on a copper triple XM-L board.

+2 on that! I could use several.

:beer: :slight_smile:

Thanks, Hank, just ordered 3 pairs :slight_smile:

since this baby is coming soon can i say we have a brighter future?

Ordered! :)

Hmm… I like to see how it performs on a flashlight.

Well, hrm... I'd guess better performance by the same factor as copper vs. aluminum for the single LED boards? Why would it be any different?

Where do you get a 12 amp driver from?

Stack 32 7135s?

The whole advantage of copper is the fact that it allows you to push your emitters a little harder. I just don’t know how to go about driving these triple Noctigons. Being 20mm they’re mostly good for tube lights and mini-mags, and none of the drivers I can find with appropriate specs will fit into any of these hosts. I’m also never sure what kind of driver is suitable for series vs parallel.