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That's why I think the TR-801 works better - the pill sits between both the head & body, it has an equal thermal connection out both ends. The S6 has to depend on the threads between the head & body to shift the heat, it's a more indirect path.

Comfy and Richard, that tiny 7.5A’er is just awesome, ready to mass produce for a group buy? :wink: :slight_smile:

We're working on it, be patient! ;)

Ha, be patient, and you post more pictures to drool over :slight_smile: :wink:

I was wondering if that light comes in black to radiate heat faster, but then your hand is almost required as a heat sink anyways and its so short you should be covering most of the body with it.

Does anybody know photoshop well enough to whip up something to give an idea of what it would look like in black?

I think ive ordered like $150 from him this year lol. he makes great lenses.

YES! I am in

Thanks for the link, i had posted a thread without coming up with a suitable lens. With $7.50 for delivery it would cost as much as an M1 host just to get the lens so i do hope Richard starts carrying it because i could buy more stuff and get more use from the shipping.

I'll see what I can work out with the lenses.

I'm digging the TR-801 in black, although the blue isn't too bad.

Yay!!! Definitely gotta get one of those ultra-short triples when they go up for sale!

Thanks Richard for shipping both orders in one shipment. Hope the LEDS come in soon. Really looking forward to my ACL reconstruction in the right knee on the 12th. :Sp Now like I sad in a previous post, when the LEDs get in and I order 10 of everything in the store along whit em better PM me to make sure that I am not on some good pain meds and am delusional. :smiley:
Thank You Richard 8)

I hope Richard can source one myself for a better price, but that’s the only place that has the proper size in class.
If I find one somewhere I will let you know. :wink:

Thanks to both of you

Richard, were you unable to specify SRK’s with XM-L2’s, or are you rather assuming most people would replace the emitters wholesale instead of reflowing them?

I tried to order 16mm Noctigons for XP-G2 but the site says “Warning: No Shipping options are available. Please contact us for assistance!”. Does this mean that shipping is not available to the Philippines?


They have a mixed stock, and don't have any way to know what's in the boxes. They advertise them as being XM-L, if you happen to get one with XM-L2s it's just a bonus (though they will be on a paper-thin 1 piece MCPCB that's basically worthless if you want more than the stock drive current).

I ordered one and got XM-L2s, then ordered two more and both had XM-Ls. The only difference was the two orders came from different warehouses, the boxes and everything else inside the lights was identical.

Thanx comfychair! :slight_smile:

Like Comfy said, "Securitying" only really sells an XM-L version of that light, although some of the early purchasers on this forum got XM-L2s. I would pay a few bucks extra for an XM-L2 version if it were available.