GB BLF LuckySun D80-SE Need long tubes? -3/3/16

One tube for me as well please.

I’ll take 2 long tubes. Thanks.

I’m debating between 2 or 3 long tubes but you can put me down for 2 for sure. Thanks

Legoability, while a second battery tube will indeed screw onto the first, the depth of threads is different on the but as compared to the head such that the initial battery tube won’t thread deep enough into the second tube for the o-ring to make contact. Modifications would have to be made, but of course, where there’s a will there’s a way.

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Some beamshots as promised :smiley:

Please note, these have been taken with an iPhone 6 Plus, not an SLR. So these aren’t the last word in showing output differences. But they do show beam profile and throw differences very well.

So despite the relatively low amp draw of the D80, it seems to out perform the direct drive de-domed X6 on every level. Not sure how but it does. And it significantly out throws it too, despite the small size difference in reflectors. Maybe my de-domed X6 is feeling a little old now… although it hasn’t been extensively used. And it does still out performs my stock X6 SE, which is easily trounced by the D80.

The only oddity, although not a negative. Is how well the SST-90 powered MMU performs. It’s not as throwy, but seems to easily pump out as many or more lumens. It easily matches my BLF A6 and with similar beam profiles. So either FourSevens lumens are vastly different, being that they rate the MMU at 800 lumens ANSI. Or it actually makes a shed load more light than claimed.

Oh and one last word on the PWM…. such a shame, given how well the light performs. But I really think I’m going to have to swap the driver to make it a usable light.

cough cough…

D80 on the right.

Those beamshots are definitely surprising.

I do believe I said way back there………….

If it has 1 amp and shines as or brighter than a 5 amp light that’s fine by me. If it has 100 lumens instead of 10,000 and shines just as bright that’s fine by me also. I mean honestly I have a 170 lumen Brinkman in there that is struggling to make 1.5 amps at the tail, that will out throw a couple of my lights that are 500 and 750 lumens and both of those doing 2.3 and 2.8 at the tailcap. Although the Brinkman is a deep reflector little thrower styled for that purpose, I still get about as much light as the other 2 down range and almost as bright with less than half the amps and 1/3 the lumens.

First, I wasn’t insulted. Second, I understand the arguments for the use of unprotected IMRs, especially in a high performance light. I don’t care that Im getting less than 100% of the potential performance when I use the cells I already own. I’m never in the high lumen modes for very long. I’m mostly down at the low end.

You make me wonder too

My light works great but the tinkerer in me can’t resist :wink:

Please put me down for a tube.

I just got my light, it’s awesome. Very well made, I’m very impressed with it.

What you note is what I found visually as well with the D80, I’m not sure how, but it slightly out performs other larger similar lights without the highest Amp levels. I still have yet to get a final version, but even my first 3C sample which was just around 2.8A I find myself still using regularly, there is something kind of neat about the small shape/form and high throw. Even with “muggles” the low output as the battery drains to 3V is obvious and I think it should be a safe enough gift. Nobody seems to know how or why LVP was gotten rid of, it was a spec that was not asked to be changed.

I get a sick feeling with some PWM, and even though this D80 PWM is noted to be “horrible” by some, I don’t feel sick using it, though I almost always am either light sabering it on turbo outside, or using moon to not step on the dog.

Overall, being a party to what went on, it feels like playing “whack a mole” trying to fix problems dealing with Chinese manufacturers and these lights to get them up to desired spec: every change takes time to communicate to the seller, then time to communicate to the manufacturer to get it right, and then as soon as we try to get one thing to fit spec, something else is changed/”fixed” by the producer/manufacturer and causes another problem, which then has to be addressed all over again, along with the previous issues that weren’t dealt with the way we asked in the first place…and apparently, if you don’t check every thing every time, they can change other specs in the process you thought were fixed, and may not notice the next time the specific change we want is addressed… four lights and each one is apparently “unique” and has things changed from the previous model that were not specifically asked for.

Hi Kronos, please put me down for a long tube. Thank you!

Something happened to my D80, all this talk about battery tubes and mine shrunk!


My first chop ever. Not as clean as I’d have liked, made a mistake that limited what I could do. But it works. Pretty neat feel in the hand, looks cool, I like it. :slight_smile:

Kronos...please change mine to 2. The giftees could care less and love this D80 just the way it is....actually what they said is: wtf...where the hell did you get that???

And you gonna start doing these for what price for the rest of us when Dale? :evil:

2 tubes for me

I need more time, a new memory card for my “hard drive” (do they have those? A wet connect memory card you can stick in your ear? lol)

I was gonna try to squeeze that little chop between everything else that’s going on, figured hey, how long could it take right? I’ve never chopped a light before. Mounted the female threaded end to snug in the chuck on the lathe and deformed it, had to spend time getting it where it’d thread back onto the head which entailed cutting an aluminum rod into a guide to true the tube so it’d go back on, didn’t get the inside shoulder cut quite square enough to the pieces don’t mate perfectly, but all in all, considering, it went pretty well. Ended up making another piece to fit into the mouth of the female end of the tube so I could hammer it in solid. lol One thing after another. Like Roseanne Rosana Dana’s daddy always used to say on Saturday Night Live…

I forget too much, almost have to start over every time I go out to the shop. Frustrating. And all this cold front stuff blowing in from the North has incubated baby rust on the chuck and bed. Geesh. If it’s not one thing it’s another!

And now I am about to have to generate the list for a giveaway, with my computer offline and hammering away on my mom’s little PC on the other side of the house. YUCK! Where am I? 2 to go? 1?

One tube for me