Oh, by the way, Hi everyone! :laughing: So, I totally get the fact that it’s pretty much impossible to avoid talking about the coronavirus, as it’s affecting all of our lives to varying degrees. That’s why I’m not completely prohibiting the topic, but I would prefer for there to be only one thread about it so as to minimize moderation headaches for me.
In particular, please don’t create polls about the coronavirus, as they always lead to more mayhem than the virus itself. :confounded: Also, we’re trying to give more publicity to the OL Contest 2019 People’s Choice poll. Again, no hard feelings toward anybody that already created such a poll, I understand that it wasn’t with malicious intent.
And please lets all remember that even in the mega coronavirus thread, all of the BLF rules still apply, especially the ones about not being rude, meticulously avoiding controversy, and dropping the subject if anybody starts getting angry. Also the disclaimer about (mis)information on this site definitely applies.
Thanks to everyone, be safe, and please be sure to spend some of your newfound hangout time here with us on BLF! :sunglasses:
I never saw the poll, but I did get a PM yesterday from someone asking me what they missed. They mistakenly thought the post/poll was created by me. I’m not sure what user created it, but if they impersonated my username, know it was not really me
I'll own up. It was me.. thanks SB for deleting it! Got bored and frustrated. And nope, joshk, I didn't steal any names.
Everyone, please, please stay safe and follow the handwashing, etc. precautions! My wife is a retired nurse and she is very worried about this thing and finally got through to stubborn me. We're both isolating at home, doubly so because of age and that she's an asthma patient.
Thank God for BLF, tablets, shortwave radio and Hulu!
Nightwatch NS53 3 x XHP 50.2 is in same size and power class. Actually, the NS53 has some more throw and is less floody, and one third the cost of the Nightcore. However, I have only received one of the four NSX53 that I ordered. No huge rush, I ordered additional three to make gifts of them.
The big bucks that I save by eating only plain, simple, whole, basic oatmeal, soybean product, fruit, veggies, nuts and seeds goes into flashlights.