5.11 update
Hi guys, welcome to make an order for the OPus charger
$37.99 for Opus BT-C3100 V2.1 with OP3100 ( clearance, when sold out we will not stock any more for this version) & $38.99 for Opus2.2 without using the coupon
*4.22*Guys, Opus 2.2 has been released, and available in GearBest now http://www.gearbest.com/chargers/pp_173012.html
if you want to get the new version groupbuy price ( $38.99 ), please go to this thread Opus BT-C3100 v2.2 group buy @ $38.99, now started. ( currently @ $36.49, no coupon needed) - BLF User Negotiated Deals - BudgetLightForum.com
Coupon code reactivated again $39.99 for the new version fan Opus OP3100
Special price for Cyber Monday to this dream charger, lower price for $39.09! No coupon any more, please order from the product page directly
10.27 Update
Hi guys, good news again, Opus company just lower our supply price for the V2.1, so we can do it at $39.99 with the same coupon code: OP3100 (I think this is the lowest price finally)now , for those who bought it at $42 and think the $2 coupon refund is necessary, please feel free to contact our CSgearbest with the order number and GearBest account to get the $2 coupon refund
, thanks for your support as always
09.03 Update
We have sold the 100th unit :heart_eyes: . As promised, a $2 coupon would be sent for each unit bought, but to show our sincere gratitude, a $3 coupon is now posted in the buyer’s GB account to all those who bought in the first 100 units!! (Any one who bought in $45 but not get the $3 coupon, please kindly PM CSgearbest with your order#)
EU: http://www.gearbest.com/chargers-batteries/pp_71595.html
US: http://www.gearbest.com/chargers-batteries/pp_71596.html
New coupon: OP3100
Price: $42
*09.01 Update*:Thanks for the great reviewer, HKJ,
Detailed graphs and explanations: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/28672
Hi BLF folks,
Here is some good news for all Opus charger fans
First, the breaking news is the new 2.1 version Opus BT-C3100 is available now :
Opus has granted Gearbest the exclusive rights to be the first website offering the latest BT-C3100, the 2.1 version. Opus supports us to run this campaign at $45 for the first publish, only 70pcs for EU and 30pcs for US, It can be available for ordering right now, the coupon code is: BTC3100. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, the 2.1 version will be shipped starting Aug. 27. Any more buyers(from the 101th) will bring the price down to $43, and the first 100 buyers will be given a $2 coupon back. You know this rule from our previous game, right? :party:
2.1 version Opus BT-C3100
EU: http://www.gearbest.com/chargers-batteries/pp_71595.html
US: http://www.gearbest.com/chargers-batteries/pp_71596.html
coupon code is: BTC3100
Price: $45
The improvements of the 2.1 version provided by Henry Xu, the engineer of this dream charger:
1. voltage update rate is 30s instead of 60s.
2. charging voltage is regulated to 4.7v instead of 5.0v, thus loading on power adapter when batteries are flat is less. 5.0v charging voltage has problem in regulating the correct current level due to this over loading current on power adapter, which lead to Panasonic brand Li-ion batteries showed wrong charging capacity value(+25%). With 4.7v charging voltage, the load on power adapter is greatly reduced and thus can make all types of batteries are charged properly.
3. 4.35v charging time can be very long because charging current is regulated in entering the CV stage at 4.12v, which is same as 4.2v type. Now 4.35v charging algorithm is changed to 4.27v.
4. Better safety feature: PCB temperature was used to in controling fan on/off only with 2.0v, now this function is enhenced so that temperature is monitored for entering thermal shutdown mode when excessive high temperautre is reached. It is especially helpful when fan is not running and which can lead to plastic melt down happening.
5. new fan cover make better protection for cooling fan.
Besides, we do a simple video to show the different package for the 2.1 version, more details here:
And a complete review will be public by HJK in the following days :heart_eyes:
Another is Opus company supports us to run a campaign for BT-C3100 2.0 for only $36 again after coupon. The coupon code is: GB3100. However it has limited units, 50 pcs for EU and 40 pcs for US. If any one missed the last group buy started by tatasal, please feel free to order it now, first come first served
2.0 version Opus BT-C3100
US: http://www.gearbest.com/chargers-batteries/pp_24168.html
EU: http://www.gearbest.com/chargers-batteries/pp_24924.html
coupon code: GB3100
price: $36
2.0 or 2.1, which one will you pick? :party: