Old Lumens Flashlight Modders and Builders Challenge 2020
Entries close on 5th January 2021
Hello everyone! pinkpanda3310 here. I'm gonna jump right in and open the comp so contestants can start getting serious about their builds for this year. I will update this post when i get sponsors lined up and work out how the judging will work exactly. So in the meantime you can make a build plan, order parts, make a build thread etc...
Aside from the judging (and extended runtime) I won't change much from what CRX has laid down as a pro-forma.
All skill levels are very welcome and you may enter into only one of the three categories below with a single build or matching set thereof:
Hand Made:
- Your light must be made from scratch.
- You must make a build thread, show images, give explanation of the build progress.
- Remember we can only judge on what you show us in your thread.
- No outside services are allowed.
- Single or multiple emitter, driver and alternate power configurations are allowed.
- Should be a portable and battery operated light such as lanterns, headlamps and similar devices.
- All small hand tools are acceptable, as well as these power tools:
- Soldering gun/ station
- Electric Drill/ Drill Press
- Dremel style Rotary Tool
- Electric Saws
- Disc or Belt Sander
You may use some manufactured components related to flashlights such as reflectors, drivers, LEDs, O-rings, switches, lenses, opics and clips.
- You may not use manufactured flashlight parts such as a bezel, body, tail cap, head or pill. Basically anything originally designed specifically for a flashlight host.
Machine Made:
- Your light must be made from scratch.
- You must make a build thread, show images, give explanation of the build progress.
- Remember we can only judge on what you show us in your thread.
- No outside services are allowed.
- Single or multiple emitter, driver and alternate power configurations are allowed.
- Should be a portable and battery operated light such as lanterns, headlamps and similar devices.
- All machine shop tools are allowed, such as:
- Lathe
- End Mill
- Programmed Automated machines
- Standard 3D Printers
- Plus all small hand tools
You may use some manufactured flashlight related components such as reflectors, drivers, LEDs, O-rings, switches, lenses, optics and clips.
- You may not use manufactured flashlight parts such as a bezel, body, tail cap, head or pill. Basically anything originally designed specifically for a flashlight host.
Modified Light Category:
- Enter this category with a light you have modified or something you have modified for or into a light.
- You must show us something that was modified by you and how it was done.
- You can make a new thread or link to a mod you have posted on BLF within the stated timeframe.
- You can build or modify by any means at your disposal and your mod can also be some form of self built flashlight attachment(s), clips, lanyards, paracord wraps, pouch or other related paraphernalia.
All Contestants:
Post your suitably titled Build Threads in the Giveaways and Contests forum category or links to your mods here.
I will keep a registry of all entries in Post #2 of this thread.
Thank you all sincerely, we look forward to watching your builds come to life!
Prize allocation:
Hand made-
Scallywag - Fireflies T1R from Fireflies
MtnDon - Wuben TO50R from HC Lights
gchart - Mateminco MT90MINI from Mateminco and Neal
CNCman - Mateminco MT35MINI-S from Mateminco and Neal
FearOfTheDark - Olight Seeker2 from Neals Gadgets
lumenzilla - Reylight Pineapple Ti from Reylight
Machine made-
JoshK (ineligible for prize)
grin (pending)
Rdubya18 - Acebeam L17 from Neals Gadgets
G0OSE - Light supplied by myself to help with shipping
ReManG - Mateminco MT35MINI-S from Mateminco and Neal
YuvalS - Convoy H1 Headlight from Convoy
Mieciu - Mateminco MT90MINI from Mateminco and Neal
domasleo (pending)
Skylight - NlightD T90 from Neals Gadgets
djozz - Acebeam E10 from HC Lights
MascaratumB - Led4power coupon supplied by Led4power
EasyB - Lumintop X9L from Lumintop and Neal
Sunnysunsun - Lumintop FW3T from Lumintop and Neal
tterev3 - Lumintop FW21 Pro from Lumintop and Neal
Congratulations to the participants and a big THANK YOU to all our sponsors.
Sponsors and Prizes:
To be announced. I'll try and contact as many possible sponsors as I can.
If you are a store owner who would like to donate a prize or have good relations to people that would like to support this great BLF community event then please contact us.
Lucky dip of parts
Coupon code to L4P store (amount tba)
Choice of light from Simon's AliEpress store
Brass or Ti Pineapple
Astrolux FT03 MINI XHP50 ; Astrolux A02
Brand new model - T1R or E07X Pro
NlightD T90 ; Olight Seeker 2 ; Acebeam L17
Neal has been a great guy and is in contact with the following sponsors
MT35MINI-S osram led 5pcs ; MT90MINI 2pcs
Judging the entries:
To be announced.
The following dot points are last years judging criteria. I'll leave it here for anyone who wants to reference it.
- Skill Level/ Finished Build Quality: Judged fairly on the persons access to tools, materials and abilities. Is the finished build functional & looking good? Difficult to make? Was the build completed, started or no work done at all?
- Uniqueness/ Innovativeness of the build: Is the light unique, one of a kind or does it operate in a special way?
- Build Thread Quality: Did the contestant do a good job of showing and explaining to the forum how they did the steps in the build? Good thread organization, pictures and descriptions of the methods used?
- Purpose Built: Was the light purpose built for a specific use? Is it a special new EDC, upgrade or something for use that simply can't be bought easily?
- Technical Details: Including new driver firmware, PCB designs, new technical ideas, programming and special switches etc.
- Problem Solving & Obstacles: Were any specific problems encountered, documented and resolved by the contestant? Documenting the obstacles and using the power of the BLF community to solve them is seen as a big plus!
- Enthusiasm to Participate: Did the contestant give it their best shot even knowing they would be up against more skilled veterans? Did they support other contestants build threads by posting encouragement and even giving help?
- Following the Guidelines: Did the contestant follow the rules and guidance given?
Shown Operational: Did the contestant show us the light operating, its functions, beamshots, videos etc?
Some history of how the yearly contest started:
Old-Lumens was a predominant member of Budget Light Forum who loved to make things, particularly flashlights and related items, with his own hands.
He went even further and encouraged others to do likewise by starting the annual Old-Lumens Contest which involves members making their own flashlight using only hand tools in one category or machines in another.
Sadly Justin (Old-Lumens) passed away in 2016, we here at BLF wish him to rest in peace and to continue to celebrate his life by hosting the yearly Old-Lumens Competition.
Well I hope to see someone belt their thumb with a hammer some great efforts from enthusiasts who are whacky enough to have a go at making/modifying a light. Let's be honest, there's no one size fits all so any and all ideas are welcome.