Ahh, a day off work. Time to get busy on the triple I’ve been wanting to build, with the 92CRI 4000K Osram emitters I got from Mouser, and the aluminum DTP triple Osram boards courtesy of ReManG.
Osram SSL @ Mouser
Okay, you already know that there is a fail involved, but the technique was solid so I like to post so other members can draw from the good, and the bad.
Start with the reflow. It took me a little googling to figure out how to tell the pos. from the neg. on these Osrams. My first time with these emitters, and they’re a bit of a different animal.
It went well. I used CR123s and 16340s to test at each step.
The next obstacle is that the boards are designed for series. In order to run parallel a little extra wiring is in order. This can get tricky and messy, but I’ve done it before and will pass on my no-headache technique.
First, use Teflon wire. It’s thinner and isn’t flexible. You bend a wire to where you want, and it stays in that position.
Second, don’t keep jumping from pad to pad with a bunch of separate little wires. They’ll keep shifting off of one another.
Instead, measure and pre-solder all the pieces together before attaching to the board.
The board goes on top of the aluminum spacer from MTN with a Carlco optic up front.
I put a little blue loctite on the optics legs to hold it in place, and lightly clamped it down.
(It didn’t end up holding)
Next I wired up a MTN DD FET driver and proceeded to put the pill in the head. This is where things started to go wrong. It wasn’t threading well, and I could feel wires twisting around. It got jammed up.
Oh oh. My first miscalculation. I didn’t measure the SinkPad! I’m used to those nice round Noctigons. All those little corners on the SinkPad made it a little too big and got hung up in the threads.
I got the pill out and used a sanding drum to round off the corners. Something you’d rather not be doing at this stage. It should have been the first thing I checked.
Put the pill back in and find the battery I want to use. I didn’t want the DD to go over 2.5A per emitter so I started testing with NCR18650A and moving up into higher drain cells watching my DMM as I went through the modes.
I settled on the 18650 PF.
Great, screw the tail in for a test spin.
What’s this! An emitter is out. Rats!
Don’t know what happened. Bumped, banged or shocked out from too much current?
What to do now. All that wiring!
I used my hot air and gently heated around the emitter. Some of the wires came off, but because I had pre-soldered them, they didn’t fall apart, I’ll just be able to reattach them to the pad. The emitter came off, and I replaced it using the same technique. I also reflowed the one I removed onto a single board to test it. Yup. Dead.
The new emitter lit up, but now another one wasn’t working and the third didn’t seem quite as bright as the new one. Two down and only one spare left of that model Osram.
I’m tired and hungry and know when I’ve been beaten. A whole afternoon wasted.
I’ve been working all day and I want a ##% light!!! I’m tire and cranky and I want a #%# light.
Okay, I’ve got one emitter, an 18350 S2 host and a 2.1A driver. How hard can that be. Got it wired up and realized the two chips on the front of the board block the retaining ring from threading down. Grrrrr! I hate soldering drivers onto pills.
Driver is soldered down but the pill jams half way in. Grrrrr! Some solder got on the treads. Grrrrrr!
After all that, I’m not sure if I like it. Mind you, my head is not in a good place, so I will have to take another look tomorrow to get a fresh uncranky perspective, but right now, it seems kind of green to me. The colour rendering is good, but the tint seems kind of greenish.
From left to right.
White Cree - Nichia 219B - Osram SSL 4000K
I still have some more Osrams of various colour temps to try when I get around to it. That triple fail really ticked me off!
EDIT: Since this was posted I have become aware that the emitters used in the OP are not 4000K Oslon SSLs, but 4000K Oslon Squares.