All Sold! Silver Plated, Copper Triple Emitter P60 Shells

Objectively, this is by far the most expensive light in my posession if you add up the cost of the host, dropin and all the components. But, it did turn out pretty sweet.

Sometimes cost is overruled by lust.

You could of told me that before I got married 29 years ago.

As suggested the host you buy will be better than the one you make and the dropin that I could make will not have the features of Matts dropin. Is there anyone that could loan me a quid?

Straight to the top!

Price dropped to get these moving. $40 per shell, down from $50, and each additional shell only $30 if ordered at the same time.

Only 15 left - gotta keep a few for myself!

- Matt

Ahhh it’s tempting to get another one at this price. Even though my first one is still sitting on my desk!.

$35 delivered if in Australia. I wrote that in the revised OP, but forgot to put it in my summary above :)

Aw man! You're mean! Presents to buy, bills to pay... this is sorely tempting.

Backwards, it’s pills to buy.

got mine today, silver sweetness and a perfect fit for the board and optic. I think these triples would be an ideal pairing with wights hybrid driver between the high efficiency of multiple LEDs at low current from a few 7135’s and the lower Vf of multiple LEDs from an FET.

Less than 10 left!

All Gone! Thank you very much to every one who bought one (or more). I hope you guys build awesome drop-ins with them

Thanks Matt and all the best in your retirement. I'm not sure what to do with mine but I'm sure someone will come up with a good idea for me. I've a triple Nichia and lens but haven't got a host, driver or know what batteries to use. Maybe your other 16650?

You have the skillz....make a minimalist P60 host perhaps? I always thought the current design of P60 hosts are unnecessarily complicated.

I just came on here to buy another one of these. :_(

You snooze, you lose!

Make a soup can light, drop in 3 of these copper shells for 9 total emitters. Literally make it look like a can of soup. :stuck_out_tongue: Or design it to slip into your favorite brew’s can, then sleeve it with the beer can and place the e-switch in a strategic location on the label such that it “hides”. Get creative! lol

Dale. I've faxed your airmail ticket through to you. I expect to see you in a couple of hours so you can be creative in my shed. Dont worry about my wife cooking for you, I'll get my son to do it.

Dude! You sent the ticket to Justin! :stuck_out_tongue:

In a 12oz can the skin is thin enough to buckle and activate a switch. No need to make a hole for it.

Well where is he. He'll have to help.

Got mine today. All I can say is yummy. Its better looking than my favorite food.

The dang things are TOO pretty! Bad when you have to wear gloves to work on a light, huh? lol

I think you should carve a host out of polycarbonate bar stock so that beauty can be seen…