There is no battery check from lockout, only from unlocked/ off.
Thanks very much for that answer. That is what I thought. I gifted a TS10 and the guy is struggling a bit. He insists he is in advanced mode because he has blinkies. But that is not the way the light behaves (no cycling of voltage check). I sent him a bunch of links, but, unfortunately, a bunch of it is based on earlier versions of Andruil 2.
Thanks for verifying what I thought I remembered. Interestingly, I spent a bunch of time with Google trying to figure this out and failed to find what I wanted.
typical misunderstanding… extended simple UI confuses a lot of people into thinking their light is in advanced, when it is actually in simple mode
they need to learn to do 10H from Off if they want to be in Advanced
the only way I know to figure out what features different versions of Anduril have, is to dig into Toykeepers revision history… definitely not something Google can help with
In addition to what @jon_slider said, for Wurkkos lights, you could check hw/wurkkos/anduril.h, which should tell you exactly what is enabled in Simple UI in the TS10. This might differ slightly per manufacturer.
Furthermore, as you mentioned that the TS10 is running the latest Anduril 2 release (2023-12-03), you might check this corresponding diagram, which includes a text box for Extended Simple UI.
Thanks for the additional information!!
thank you for posting a link,
is that for 2023-12-03 revision date specifically?
I get lost when trying to find other revision date defaults
Can you teach me how to find the directory for TS10 V2 (RGB): 0713-2023-07-29?
I feel a bit better in knowing that I am not the only one who gets lost in trying to understand the changes. In general, much less on a per light type basis…
I really did try to track down the answer to my original question prior to bugging the group with it…
Sure. And totally understandable that you are getting lost there. As far as I can tell, all the files have been re-ordered and re-named with ToyKeeper moving Anduril to GitHub.
First off, the link I posted is the latest state of this file. Clicking History on the top right reveals that there is only 1 commit for this file, dating from 5 months ago. Clicking Browse History in the lower right, and again, leads to the former name of the file: wurkkos-cfg.h
, path spaghetti-monster/anduril/wurkkos-cfg.h
With this information, now we are off looking for this source file from a specific Anduril 2 release. The Release page apparently does not include a 2023-07-29 release. This might be because iirc that was a test release and not an official one. But anyway, as an example, let’s say you wanted to check the official Anduril 2 release 2023-10-31:
You go to Release 2023-10-31 and at the bottom, below “Assets”, you download Source code (zip)
, unpack it and navigate to spaghetti-monster/anduril/wurkkos-cfg.h
, open that file with a text editor, and have a look. You would find this (excerpt):
// allow Aux Config and Strobe Modes in Simple UI
// Allow 3C in Simple UI for switching between smooth and stepped ramping
// enable 2 click turbo (Anduril 1 style)
#define DEFAULT_2C_STYLE 1
// enable SOS in the blinkies group
#define USE_SOS_MODE
This looks just like the current file version (cf. the link above). So you know that for that release, things are just the same. Maybe not completely straightforward, but I am hopeful that at least this will give you some idea.
very helpful, thanks!
thanks for confirming that when I want to know a previous revision date defaults, I have to actually download all the files, and then dig through them individually.
stuff is scattered all over the place…
I agree the 2023-07-29 revision is undocumented in the change log. Even though it is shipping on every single Wurkkos TS10 V2, there is no way I know of, to look up what defaults it uses. Nor how it may differ from the previous or later revisions…
Fortunately my enjoyment of Anduril does not depend on me knowing the answer to revision change questions…
Yes, as long as there is no Anduril 2 diagram for each Anduril 2 release (containerfan has started this with the latest Anduril 2 release 2023-12-03) and, moreover, for each light, some digging will be required, if you really want to know. As an example, I have not looked into the source files for Wurkkos until now, but for Hanklights, I noticed back on Launchpad (before GitHub) that Extended Simple UI was added to hank-cfg.h (as the file was named back then) on 2023-04-29.
i dont like the new 2 decimal voltage readout, preferred the single digit one. I opened a new request on the github page, so if any of you feel the same way and want it to be configurable, you can comment there.
I agree this should be configurable but for now we can disable it in the code with:
Above code was found here:
Thanks, this seems like a good solution for now. I was planning to learn building custom anduril with my personal configs and this seems like a good reason to start
I am still hoping to have aviation obstruction beacon added to strobe modes in Anduril. That is the old bulb Aviation Obstruction Beacon that I am referring to, where the light fades on and fades off. I believe the new obstruction lights just click on for one second and off one second with no fading as the newer bulbs are likely LEDs.
how do you intend to use it, which type are you thinking of, red, white…?:
imo the bicycle strobe does a good job of letting others see my location…
Seems not too far off from @starryalley’s lighthouse beacon mode. With some minor changes to the numbers you could tune the frequency just right, build, and flash it. Also you if it does look like it matches the soft on-off timing you could work off of that.
The use would be similar to candle mode, ambiance lighting.
I have some red transparent cups that fit over the Sofirn lanterns allowing for red light out of any mode.
There is something similar in Lume1 firmware GitHub - loneoceans/lume1-ff-6af: Anduril Firmware for the Lume1-FF-6AF Flashlight Driver
Custom hex file requests for D3AA:
- Delete the blinks in ramp (near 100 lumens), and at top of ramp
- Delete 5C momentary
if anyone can please produce a new hex fle for me, I will be very grateful
I feel like this should be default disabled in Anduril… I get stuck in this mode when trying to lockout or change my aux settings and misclick so often…