--> Well, it's an electronic switch - definitely, so, a straight QLite won't work out.
The driver is a standard 17mm size and the star is a standard 16mm size -- real nice!! No spring on the driver though - depends on button top cells. The pill is real brass and the reflector screws into the pill - nice setup for heat sinking, though the pill doesn't screw in to the body, but does fit snugly down by the driver. A little AS5 should help there.
The lens is 25.75mm x 1.43mm, so smaller than the P60 AR lens from RIC -- I'll check if it will fit...
Weight: 98 grams
Size: 119mm length, 29mm head, 25mm tail
The driver has the 2 leads for the electronic switch, and 2 leads for the emitter. Emitter wires are thin of course. Lots of vertical room over the driver in the pill - could add some copper in there if I want.
Mine does have the whining on med/lo, button is pretty stiff, and got to cycle thru modes - PIA...
Only found 3 resistors, a 10K, 100 ohm, and 0. Curious now if it's truly regulated - there is the micro 8 pinner, and 6 pin part, and looks like 1 cap. Modes/UI is sucky. Maybe need to order one of Dr. Jones drivers for electronic switch lights - as RaceR86 pointed out. Since the pill is brass, easy to solder the driver down, and I think if you stay with a low profile spring the driver comes with, should have adequate clearance for an unprotected cell like a Pana PD - solves a few of the problems . With a nice 3.5A driving a XM-L2 on copper, not a bad light then... I got IOS XM-L2 U2 1D's coming, and am ordering the XM-L2 T6 4C's today. Think the 4C would be perfect in this light.
Gotta take pics while it's apart, then re-assemble and test in the lightbox and for throw as stock. Also, interested if one of my solder blob'ed Sam 20R's will get anymore current out of it. Hhhmmm...