Astrolux/BLF Copper A01 BLF Edition CODE NOW PUBLIC. $20 Solid Copper AAA!!!

It looks like the BLF version is sold out, the Astrolux model is available and I have a code for that one. PM me if anyone wants it…

The Astrolux model is on Massdrop now and it’s got 170 commitments with a day more to go. Anybody who wants one should hurry up. Well, unless BG got a gazillion units made…

That’s sad. I like the name ‘Astrolux’, being an avid astro photographer myself. The purple A01 on order might very well be my last ‘Astrolux’ then. :frowning:

Well, recieved the copper A01 a week ago, i want to share my thoughts about it.
I had ordered the A01 for 2 reasons:

1. wanted to try a light with a nichia Led
2. wanted to have a copper light, the material all of the flashaholics love so

Here is my pro/con list about Astrolux A01 Copper - BLF Edition:


- really cheap (under 20:money_mouth_face: for a pure copper light

  • rock solid with massive body


- pcb has outstanding throughhole solder contacts wich damage (at least the plastic wrapping) of my eneloop´s

- very hard to twist with one hand, thread is not going smooth

- to flat knurling, no grip (bad for one hand operation, see above)

- although beeing a twisty, no tail stand possible (opportunity given away)

- bad contact:
on switching modes or just simply turning on, light very offen skips a brightnes step. in elektronic jargon: the twist-switch UI is not “debounced” very well. if not twisted tight with two hands, led is also flickering sometimes due to bad contact. If i compare to my (also twisty) tank 007, there is no such behaviour.

- bad building quality: LED is very of-centered, threads are heavy to twist and uneven

  • not tested by myself, but users in the forum stated, that the A01 will be destroyed after using 1 minute with 10440

Now some not objective thoughts, my personally conclusion:

The light is no match for my EDC Lumintop tool.
Building quality much worse (threads, knurling etc) , electronics and electrical contacts suck. no 10440 possible, no clip.
Having edc´ both systems a while, i personally prefer tail clickys to. Last but not least Aluminium is the perfect flashlight material for me. Lightweight like titanium, but heat absorbing like copper. (Steel is heavy like copper and bad heat absorbing like titanium :slight_smile:
The Nichia LEd was a positive surprise. Knowing that they are less efficient than the cree´s, i was pleased with the output. Nicer real colors beat the lack of lumen in my opinion.

So Lumintop, bring a Aluminium version of the Nichia-Tool out as well! (currently nichia-Tool is only available as copper or Ti)

This would be my Light for a looong Time.

I liked the old Manker Boney’s. They were nice gifts to flashlight muggles.
Kept a few to myself, lying in the house here and there. After I upgraded their cockroach abilities a bit further.

I also like my Astrolux A01 Cu. My personal opinion is that in due time Manker will make a few more runs of this light.
And who says that the Massdrop lights are already build?
IMHO Massdrop is an excellent tool for accumulating potential orders till you reach the numbers needed for a new batch.

This light doesn’t support 10440 at all. So, yes, you risk destroying the light if you use a cell with a voltage higher than around 1.5v. (Though, I’d bet it supports lithium primaries, ~ 1.7v.)

If you want to try an inexpensive 1xAAA light that also supports 10440, check out the BLF-348.

I have an eneloop in mine and the button is taller than the exposed leads, so no damage.

threads could be smoother, but mine isn’t that hard to turn with one hand

again, I have had no problem operating with one hand


I haven’t had problems with any of my four A01’s, but others have and most seems to have had luck with basic fixes described in this thread.

Doesn’t seem to affect the beam.

others have reported that it isn’t a problem. I am only running mine on NiMH

A $50-$60 light? I would hope not. Welcome to BLF!

@brted i am talking explicit of the aluminium version of the tool fore many reasons (see my post). The tool was 15$, so much cheeper than the copper A01 (75% of the price) and definitely a budget light.

The aluminum A01 was (is?) $8.95.

You’re not getting better internals with the $20 copper version; it’s the same light as the aluminum version, except with a copper body.

I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Oh, My!

Does it say Panther on the obverse?

:slight_smile: it’s supposed to be purple. My camera calls the shot with color rendition.

Late to this post, huh!

I suspect the supplier is making his own billets/forms from powdered copper. This batch may have been less than fully liquefied when cooled. Kind of a unique material since it would never meet a certified spec. It also explains a lot about the color comments. How hard do you think it is to put a cheaper powder into the vat (?)

I think “No tail stand possible” is overstating it. I started with a pair of purples for key rings for my daughters, then bought a few more in red and a green one for my wife. They all will tail stand, but a couple require a steady hand to make it happen. I don’t really tail stand often in general, and I can’t see that for this light that it is a concern for me. Frankly, it gets held in my mouth more often, and this light excels at that. It is small enough that I don’t start drooling, and there is no rubber boot to wipe clean before and after.

I can turn all of mine on with a single hand, even my off hand, but I will grant that sometimes the right mode is hard to get due to the non de-bounce nature INHERENT to a twisty.

I plan on putting a small lanyard on the red ones and putting them on the zipper pulls of our tent. In moon mode, they have plenty of run time, they work as a night light for our youngest, and make finding the zippers in the dark very easy. When nocturnal trips are necessary, popping them off the zipper and a couple twists are all that is needed to find the bath house.

Well said. Thanks for your perspective and feedback. I most appreciate this light’s moonlight and strobe modes. Plenty of uses for me. I bought a total of 4, gave one away, and will likely keep the remaining 3 for myself.

By the way, anyone found a diffuser for this light yet?

I can 3D print one…
Our library has 3D printing services now.

Not the greatest picture but normally copper doesn’t “chip”. I’m wondering if they are doing come sort of plating/coating process.

I’ve decided to put mine on the keychain and see what happens. It still has a huge thumb print in the coating that I really want to wear off.

Be careful! You get used to it immediatly!
Have mine on the keychain from the first day on, now maybe for about one month, or more.
Fallen down several times, as keys do.
Working in a smooth, nice to tough and “do not think about it, only use it” way.
As long as i need these stupid keys, i hope it will last!
For me now: This is the real everydaycarry.

Rude: 0/10

Great! is there a site I can go to order some?