Best protected 18650 Batteries on Fasttech?

Which of the protected(!) 18650 batteries are the best on fasttech?
Looking for 2-packs for max. $20.


These ?

Yup, the 3400mAh ones are the best on the market, but the 3100mAh’s and 2900mAh’s have the best price to performance (capacity) ratio.

Keep in mind that the Panasonic's are also the longest around.

They approach 70mm in length, so make sure the flashlight you want to use then with is capable of utilising that size of battery.

I think the grey Panasonic 2900mah protected 18650’s are about my favorite for the money. I think the Panasonic cells are probably a better cell than the Sanyo.

This post makes a good case for Sanyo UR18650FM 2600 mAh:

Some general information for the 18650 Lithium Ion Newcomer, especially for one-cell lights

As another poster mentioned, Panasonic’s are “longish”. Check the length of the battery whether to fit your flashlight.

+1 for the Sanyo UR18650FM 2600’s
IMO, these are still the best bang for the buck for single 18650 flashlights. They sustain a higher voltage during discharge than panas.

Allright…so if I want to use them for single18650 lights I should take those Sanyos 2600mAh.
But what about multi18650 lights?

Which of these batteries brings out the most lumen in my lights? For example the TN31.


All in all, both the Panasonic and Sanyos are top quality cells. It’s just a matter of what capacity you prefer. Which ever you decide will be a good choice. Why don’t you buy some of each. ( just don’t mix them in the same light.)

Regarding the UR18650FM, what is the difference between these two on FT?

One is a Buttontop, the other a flattop.

I already have some different models here…
Last time I purchased these:

But I want to take a 18650 out of my box without thinking of things like “mhh I need to leave 3 of the same batteries for my TN31”…

I recognized that the batteries mentioned above made my lights brighter than my Trustfire 2400 mAhs do.

So what should I buy to get cells that match to single18650 and multi18650 lights and that bring out the most lumen?

- it has to be under $20 for a pack of 2

  • it has to be protected


I like These

Me too… very good batteries.

I noticed that the price of the Panasonic protected 3400s has dropped a couple of dollars.

I like these but be aware they are a touch fat.

Think this post says the battery is actually 4.3v even though spec says 4.2v.

so you get longer life out of the cells at slightly decreased capacity and they are much cheaper than the Panasonic cells that drop out of regulation earlier……they work very well for me, as long as the battery tube is not too tight a tolerance (t10 host, I’m looking at you).

I was pointing out that Sanyo UR18650ZT capacity is 2800mAh when charged to 4.35v. Supposedly capacity is 2600mAh when charged to 4.2v

oh I agree, but whats the point in having 3400mah capacity and paying a premium for it if the voltage drops below regulation level mid way through its charge, compared to dropping out of regulation when the cell is almost discharged anyway? You get full output for longer on that 2600mah capacity, and as your never fully charging the cells, you extend the life of the cell before it starts to deteriorate.

I have 3400mah keep power cells and they are pretty good, I just seem to get longer out of the sanyos before thinking about tossing them in the charger, their also half the price of the keep power or panasonic cells, I’m using the sanyos exclusively in my edc’s now for that reason.

I’ve also had a keep power go bad for no apparent reason, light worked, picked it up a day later, no power in one of the cells and the protection will not reset, these things happen.