BLF bumper sticker?

In reference to Lumen and lux measurements, why cant we all try to be on the same page?

This needs to come as a Bluey as well.

25 or 70?(in half or by a half).


BLF can mean alot of things…this image makes it plainly evident that it’s a flashlight :wink:

Looks good War.

:beer: :slight_smile: :beer: :smiley: :beer: :bigsmile: :beer: :party: :beer: :expressionless: :beer: :~ :beer: :weary: :beer: :quest: ……last night in review, I think?!


Just dawned on me, that’s a Ray-o-light!

A BLF logo could have a QR code that leads to :wink:

these are cool :slight_smile:


As for me, I REALLY like ezarc’s picture, especially if it can be adapted to a bumper sticker!! Maybe a Window Sticker instead? Wotta excellent use for a Warm-White “Thrower”!!

I’d like the hand-torch made of “BLF” more/better if the OTF light were a cone instead of the 3 rays, but I’d buy & wear one with the rays. I thought of suggesting making the ‘B’, Red; the ‘L’, Green; and the ‘F’, Blue (very vivid colors, of course!!) and have the light OTF be White; but I can’t make the case for the idea… Even if the White part were GITD, so you could find your car in a dark parking lot, that would probably get me laughed at, so…

EDIT: I’d like to put ezarc’s picture across the back of a black button-up shirt, with the “BLF” hand torch on the breast pocket in GITD, so if the lights go out, look to the guy with the glowing pocket for Light…

I'm in for the Tshirt and sticker. We need a final design and a flashlight manufacturer to set this up. Maybe wwefans would be interested in earning a couple of dollars. I'll give hi a holler.

Yes, I also like this.
It would be good on a dark tshirt.

=70 or 12, depending on your definition of “half”

That looks really nice even if nobody gets what BLF means.

*Have to edit, I would never use a bumper sticker, but I’d buy a bunch of shirts that look nice like this for workout shirts, etc, if the price was right. I agree the light should probably be moved upwards, more near the chest though.

ezarc's picture, a beam on "BLF" +1.

I'd like to help.

Actually I ordered a custom T shirt for myself last year.