hi there, I want to buy a 18650 thrower and I’m very interested about D80, the look just clicks for me:D. But the BLF version is out of stock on both GB and BG, the only things I can find online is LuckySun D80 on fasttech. I wonder what’s the difference and if it’s worth buying. Thanks!
I’m going by memory so hope I have this right…
The LS D80 has a different driver; it has strobe and S-O-S and the BLF does not. I think the BLF D80 has lower modes than the LS D80. … The LS has no memory and the BLF D80 has a memory.
The LS D80 is listed by fasttech with a maximum cell length of 67 mm. The later BLF D80 had a longer tube and could accept a longer cell (with a protection circuit).
I have a couple of BLF D80. The light is easy to mod. I didn’t like the UI; I don’t like memory, prefer to have most lights always power on in the lowest level. I swapped an XP-L emitter into one of them and swapped the driver to a MTN-DD with moonlight and my own selected level spacing.
The other has an XHP-50 using 2 cells in series (2x18350) with a MTN driver
GB page also said :
● Copper MCPCB w/DTP (Direct Thermal Path) from Noctigon helps the flashlight improve heat dissipation
Does this suggest LuckySun version has weaker heat dissipation?
In theory, IF the LS uses an aluminum MCPCB it’s thermal performance would be worse.
However if you mod it with a LED & a DTP MCPCB swap they should be equal in thermal performance.
The XHP50 version gets very hot even with a DTP MCPCB. The head doesn’t really have a lot of mass. I love the appearance though.
The dissipation of the LS is not bad
The BLF has Noctigon because the driver overfeed the led (4-5A)
The LS do not need DTP because the driver do not overfeed the led
I would avoid these lights unless you intend to swap the driver. The stock driver has horrible PWM.
Has anyone successfully swapped its driver? A driver like X6’s would be super nice
Both the driver and the MCPCB are easy to swap. It’s a 20 mm driver. I have used this one
It is available with the Bistro firmware.
The driver retaining ring in the D80 is rather wide. Some double sided drivers may have trouble unless the inner portion is filed out.
I’ve swapped two D80s to 17mm Mountain Electronics drivers running Bistro UI.
I posted about it in the “What did you mod today?” thread:
I did the first one the ugly way before some other members suggested the easy way.
This mod looks nice. Does any driver from Chinese websites like GB, Fasttech, DX etc fit D80? I live in HK so it would be easier to buy from them.
Also, does stock driver have low voltage protection? If yes then I may just live with PWM …
I do not recall if the stock driver has LVP. ??
Banggood sells the BLF X5/X6 driver as well as the BLF A6 driver. They are in 17mm size though sh you would also need a 17 to 20 mm adapter.” Kaidomain”:http://www.kaidomain.com/p/S023828.KD-17mm-Inner-to-20mm-External-Brass-Ring-Driver-Adapter-for-17mm-Circuit-Board-5-pcs sells the adapters. Fasttech or DX may also have them, they have in the past but I have not looked recently.
Read those links that goshdogit posted above.
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I’m new to flashlight world and this might be my first mod
So I plan to buy a D80, a driver and xpl-hi emitter.
- For driver, would this driver fit? The X6 UI is a bit too overwhelming to me, I may like the 2-mode UI better. https://www.fasttech.com/products/0/10001683/1186301-8-amc7135-2-group-2-5-modes-led-flashlight-driver
- Which of the emitters fit? https://www.fasttech.com/search?xpl%20hi
- Will this bare board be able to serve as 17->20mm adapter? https://www.fasttech.com/products/1138202 ; It was discussed here: Super easy 17mm to 20mm driver conversion
You will not be able to use the adapter in the d80. Not enough room. The 17mm driver should fit without the adapter.
This is correct.
At first I was skeptical that the 17mm driver would stay on the ledge with such a small bit of contact, but it’s fine.
I love Bistro UI. The flowchart can be intimidating, but Bistro is intuitive when you begin to use it.
Here is a video from BLF member ‘DB Custom’ about changing the settings on Bistro:
Here is another video I found about using Bistro:
Don’t worry about the complicated-looking UI.
Your fingers will know how to use it after fifteen minutes of playing around.
It’s all done in the spinal reflexes, no need to confuse the brain with thinking.
I just received LuckySun D80 and I like it a lot. I tried to take it apart however can’t figure out how to pull the pill out. How can I take the retaining ring off? What tool and method did you use?
The chrome bezel unscrews from the front. That let’s you then remove the lens and o-ring, then the reflector. If I remember correctly after the bezel was unscrewed a light tap made the reflector, glass and o-ring come free.
With the battery tube removed from the head the driver and retaining ring are exposed. I used a spanner wrench like this one to unscrew the brass retaining ring. This ring can also be unscrewed using a pair of fine pointed needle nose pliers, or a pair of” split ring pliers”:http://www.sears.com/craftsman-internal-external-snap-ring-plier-set/p-00949282000P?plpSellerId=Sears&prdNo=3&blockNo=3&blockType=G3. One applies force inwards when squeezed, the other applied force outwards when squeezed. . Place the points or tips in a pair of the opposite knotches, apply outwards pressure and turn anti-clockwise.
hello,if you need BLFD80, you can buy it here or on amazon.