BLF stencil logo

Hey guys there is a thread opened on having a custom BLF logo on a light and i was wondering if there is anyone here that can draw up a design ? it has to be small in size so it can fit onto a C8 flashlight

some came up with BLFire



B.L.F Vol1

or any ideas/drawing is welcome

be el ef :slight_smile:

An early thread about BLF Logo. I believe there are others.


+1 , simple, minimal, digital, budget… I like it!

Perfect !!

Thanks Lightme that looks awesome

A variation, on two lines :

sorry i was bored and suck at drawing

Nice logo lightme :-)


ROTFL. I bow to your artistic prowess, JamesB

although, I kinda like the one chloe made

found from an old thread:

Thanks for the compliments. It helps to have a good selection of fonts. I started with the Berlin Sans FB.

Budget Light Forum, not Budget Logo Forum! :bigsmile:

Or rotating the F in lightme’s logo?

The idea is really neat and the logo is even more like a flashlight, but as a logo, I like it just a bit less than the original.

I've always liked this one too ....My only addition was that he is shining his beam into a "CAVE " and the cave is an Alligator like monsters mouth....little eye , little nose and big teeth . I just can't draw .

Or sitting the F on the L

Cheers David

I cant do any art of any kind, but pommie, what if you flipped the B around, so the line in the B is facing the L, and made the LF normal like you did in post 5? How does that look? I am sure it looks goofy, I have no art skills. lol

What are some of the things people have said BLF stands for? Other than, the obvious. Budget Light Family. :wink: