Certain review threads not available anymore

Looks like some pages are not available anymore:

is supposed to redirect to
but none of them are working

is supposed to redirect to
but none of them are working

is supposed to redirect to
but none of them are working

I guess there are others.
Does somebody know what is going on ?

Interesting… Those pages worked fine a week ago according to the Google cache and wayback machine. Couldn’t find any obvious similarities. Actually they are all from the same author, just that the user has renamed their account.

@sb56637 What’s happening here?

When I was a kid growing up with this new thing called the internet teachers made sure to let us know what anything posted online was permanent, that it couldn’t be deleted.

But that’s not the case. Everything can just disappear in a heartbeat. So much collective knowledge can just be gone. Got a taste of that earlier this year when Reddit mods took down a bunch of subs in a hissy fit.

So I want to archive some of this stuff. I want to archive all of blf, all of r/flashlight, all of the Lygte website, maybe couple review sites, and maybe someother stuff. For posterity. How should I go about doing that

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It’s spelled “losing.”

Lol, thx. Corrected. As you can see, English is not my first tongue. :joy:

4 Thanks

That’s very mature of you.
It seems like most people tend to get upset when anyone tries to correct them.
It takes a real adult to admit when they’re actually wrong, even for minor stuff. :+1:

2 Thanks

Sometimes verbs accidentally work fine. BLF may be loosing the data it’s losing, too :slight_smile: .

loose, v. transitive. To let loose, set free; to release (a person, an animal, or their limbs) from bonds or physical restraint

1 Thank

This is a great idea. I’m aware of archive.org, which runs wayback machine posted above. So on one hand ensuring everything is in scope there could help. They also retroactively take down content in some cases and don’t cover everything.

For BLF maybe there’s a discourse plugin that can help archive? External image links are still a concern if those were to be preserved. Reddit-archiving is probably a well-documented process these days though.

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I do care a lot about all the reviews here on BLF. There are tons of valuable informations. I don’t have a copy of BLF itself, but I do have all BLF review links for the purpose of LumiReviews.ca (up to April 2023 actually)
Only a handful of them have been processed and visible in the FRD. I’m afraid to have to dig into the Internet Archives or Google cache if we lost data. This would be waaay to long.

Hi everyone, unfortunately the author of those reviews contacted me to request that I take them down due to some important personal circumstances that are out of his/her control. It’s not what the reviewer or we would have wanted, but it is what it is. Hopefully if things change in the future the reviews can be restored. Meanwhile out of respect for the reviewer and to prevent speculation I’ll lock this thread.

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