Convoy L2...Guess who's back???

Ok so here’s a question. I’ve always avoided lights that use more than one cell in series mostly because I don’t care for the aesthetics of most long “stick” lights but safety concerns play a small part too. I use unprotected cells in all my own lights but they’re all single cell lights. I haven’t used protected cells in ages except in the lights my wife and son use. I need to pick up a few more 26650 cells now that I have the new L2 on the way. I haven’t even thought about protected cells in a long time. Does anyone here use protected cells for series lights or is that just being over cautious and not worth the potential performance loss? At least this particular L2 will remain stock at least for a little while. What are your thoughts and what cells do you plan to use? I’d like to hear a few different perspectives to help me decide. Thanks all.

LOL Yeah I did finally get some long overdue rest last night. Yesterday and the day before were pretty rough. On days like that I just can’t take the time and don’t have the energy for all that.

I’m glad this one meets your approval. :wink:

You’re quite welcome. :beer:

Personaly i dont like MTG2 alot, too much spill…its good for the forest though, you cant use a thrower in there anyway so itsa nice search light, the tint is exellent for any conditions

I am very exited about the L6, finaly something better than Yezl, hope for Simon to releace a SMO reflector too

I believe as long as you keep the 2 cells together as a set it should be ok.
Meaning, bought together, used together and charged together. Never used or charged separated.
That way, both cells should wear down the same amount, and both the cells behave identical. (compare on a regular base the voltages if they are the same (within a couple of tenths of volts))


JD; As pertaining to this, I can only agree.

Keep the set of cells Together all times - It is OK to swap them around from light to light, as long as the cells are Always together, and charged together, and ‘worked’ together. - Don’t put 2 of a 3 cell set in a 2 cell light! - Always make them All do the same work.

Hey! - This is what I do, am I’m still alive! - Well, I’m sorta alive…



Is there also a 15% discount on the XPL-HI?

It looks like you have to ask Simon at Convoy.

Place the order, but don’t pay. Then send Simon at Convoy a message asking for the discount and he should then adjust the amount owned in your account. The order can still be cancelled at this stage if need be.

That is correct as far as how to get the BLF discount on the lights that Simon offers this discount on. I can only assume validum is referring to getting the discount on the L2. If that actually is the question then then the answer is yes and that information is posted several places in this thread and also in the OP…

Thank you thijsco19 and chuckhov for your advice. I remember reading about the importance of matched pairs in situations like this but I haven’t needed to use that information until now so this was a good reminder. I’ll order a pair and mark them “1 of 2” and “2 of 2” with a date. Good advice for me and any others looking to buy this as their first 2 cell light. Much appreciated. :beer: :beer: One for each of you. :slight_smile:

Glug - Glug - Gulp!


Thank You!


Do not forget yourself J-Dub! Cheers! :beer: :bigsmile:

I have ordered these 2 holsters to test if the L2 would fit:
I ordered them 13th december and received them last week, decent shipping time.

Both the holsters are made from a great quality nylon material, though the solarforce holster is slightly better.
The L2 fit in both the holsters but only on the solarforce the flap can be closed.
Here is the solarforce holster: (didn’t take pictures from the other holster…)

Some nice rubber like texture!

Thanks buddy. Nice find on the holster. If a style like the Solarforce was made just a little bigger it would even bee a nice one for the L6. Simon and I discussed making genuine Convoy holsters a while back. It’s on the back burner but may happen in the next year. That’s a good example of where to start for these big dogs. :smiley:

Also the bottom hole needs to be big enough for the tactical ringydingy at the tail of the light. On this holster it isn’t so it can only fit those without the tactical ringydingy. :D.

You mean ‘this’ next year or ‘next’ next year? :stuck_out_tongue:
Curious what Simon can make, these ‘big head holsters’ are great starting points.

Thanks for the holster R&D thijsco19. Here it is for a bit cheaper… 5.75 if you buy 10+

Ordered 2 cell version. If anyone knows holster with bigger hole on bottom for tactical ring please tell us.

LOL. You’re killing me buddy! The last time Simon and I talked about it he didn’t have a good manufacturer sourced to make holsters but was going to look into it. That was some time ago and neither of us have brought it up since so I will check to see if he got anywhere. Thanks again for finding this. This is a good starting point design-wise. If we use this as a model I would make the whole thing a bit larger so it could be used on both the L2 and L6 and would certainly account for the… “ringydingy” :bigsmile:

Any holster big enough for the “ringydingy” will always be a problem. The RD will always catch when you are trying to retrieve the light from the holster, and just when you may be in a hurry :frowning:

Maybe a holster designed so the light can sit side-saddle and held by a flap (with velcro) around the tube. That would be better for quick release.

And right off the bat, sorry if this has already been answered/addressed - I’ve done some searching on here AND Google and read through quite a few pages of this ever growing, long thread. I was just curious what numbers the xp-l hi version is making stock?* The only other thing I’m not sure about- reading through the OP, I am a little confused by the edits/updates about which light (knurling on the light) is the “next version” or I guess, most recent version… Having a difficult time deciphering which has THIS driver but the other version has THAT driver, etc…
I ordered one from BG on 12/30/15 and am really not sure at this point what I’m getting, lol… I like the look block knurling on the one I ordered, I’m just kind of curious now as to what kind of numbers it should make because I don’t have any way of measuring it myself. Thx, Badger

I was about to pull the trigger on that too but I was a little confused about which version it was as well. Check out post #587-593 of this thread.

I think it’s the original model (the XM-L2 one) with an emitter swap. So it has the LD-25 driver. It has the block knurling like the first one and doesn’t have an extension tube. Don’t think the LD-25 driver can handle the voltage.

I couldn’t find any spec/test on the LD-25 but HKJ tested the LD-29 driver on his site. Sucks it’s only a 2.8amp driver but with two batteries it’ll at least hold that for almost the during of the discharge.

I see your point but in this situation I think you should use the simple ring. The tac-ring would snag in too many holster situations if you’re thinking truly tactical. A snap might work around the tube though. I don’t know, I’m really just thinking out loud but if you want to think about this in tactical terms I’d be looking at gun holster design theory. No snag, etc. Holster design for this is still conceptual at this point so all ideas/thoughts are welcome.