I’d go with the Black version if I were you. The matte finish is unbelievable! It’s unlike any other flashlight I own, and gives it much more grip then a typical finish does. It also looks really nice as well!
It might be because of the impressive size (when does size not impress? lol) but the L6 impressed my girl more than any other light that I own, and it lacks all the fancy bells at whistles that some of my other lights possess.
Just ordered the black version! My wife thinks I'm addicted to flashlights but it's not true ............. not false either Is there a pdf manual for the L6 somewhere?
Congrats! Addicted? Pfff, no one is addicted here ;-). I don’t think there is a manual, but it pretty much speaks for itself. Light output is about: 40, 160, 1400 and 3800 lumen (approximate numbers based on current values of 50, 200, 1700 and 5000 mA). Those are not official lumen values; I just gave you a rough estimate. Double tap on sideswitch gives you strobe. That’s about it.
Haha, glad I'm not the only one! Thanks for the info, that's all I need to know. When it arrives, I may have a winter project and paint it in a camouflage colors like one of my other flashlights that I got.
Welcome to the family! I’m not addicted either…
As you’ve been told, there is no manual yet (there will be) but the operation is quite simple. You will not be disappointed. :+1:
Thanks J-Dub. I'm not exactly sure how it happened, but all of a sudden I really got into flashlights. It started off with a few cheap ones from Aliexpress with the T6 and U2, but the quality was surprisingly very good and then I started to enjoy expanding my collection.
We all started that way my friend! Most of us anyway. For me it was @mazon and a few varieties of the SK68 which led me to the Bay for a bunch of random generic lights most of which had the name Ultrafire printed on them yet as I now know, were not made by said company. Finally, I found a “real” Ultrafire 501B and then my first Convoy C8. The well made 501B was eye opening, but the Convoy C8 changed the way I looked at budget lights forever. I had no idea such quality could be so affordable.
I guess I went the same way then. Initially, the price/quality ratio stunned me a little, enough to purchase some more. The thing about is that overall, I have not spent much money for what I have gotten back, so I'm really happy with what I have for what I spent and the L6 is going to be the icing on the cake.
I also just purchased that huge looking flashlight with the head that holds 24 T6's. I know it will be under driven and not so strong, but I decided that if I do not like it, I will give it away as a Christmas gift, unless some knowledgeable people around here could help me modify it with a better driver to get maybe 10,000 lumens out of it. Either way, I'm real happy to be part of this forum.
Anyone have pics on how to shave the L6 emitter for optimal performance? I read this youtube comment on the L6 below and would really like to know how to do it?
"you can shave the emitter yourself with a razor blade with little effort. Did mine in a total of about 10 minutes and gained roughly 25% more throw and lost that ugly slightly purple ring around the beam."
The stock driver is good for 7 amps or so, but a little less seems to work really well. You can add an R140 resistor and get about 6 to 6.3 amps out of it. That’s about 4400 to 4600 lumen.
You can practice on old computer PCBs you have in the garage or something like that. Even if you mess up with the L6’s driver, it’s only less than 5$ to get a new driver. This, I consider an awesome feature of this light, i.e. the ability to buy the driver for this little money. Just awesome. But yeah, one needs to practice first.