Convoy L6... XHP70 Beast!

It’s disabled because he’s out of stock in that tint. The 7A shows 8 left in stock and the 2A shows 4 left but 5A is definitely sold out.
The only tints I have confirmed availability about is 3A and 1C. Still waiting for Simon to confirm the rest. I’ll let you know when I have more info.

Ooops, I mis-understood the 5000K for 5A, 5A is 4000K. So I guess the note he has in the description is simply wrong?

L6 is not in stock now ,New batch will be available after 2016/6/10.

Ok, “short” version or spacer, got it, thanks!

So they’re most likely sourced from the same manufacturers, not one made for the other. Maybe that’s what I was told and I forgot or got it confused, it was back in 2014 so it’s been a minute lol, sorry.

I’ve decided to order one, this many positive comments makes it impossible to say no.


Got my L6 in yesterday and got to try it out last night. MAN WHAT A LIGHT! Gorgeous knurling, beautiful beam… Simon knocked this one out of the park! I’ll be ordering a host as soon as it’s released so I can modify it a bit… I’d feel bad taking this beautiful light apart! Zero complaints!

Huge thank you to J-Dub for playing an important role in this light. Everyone’s questions got answered right away and there was a constant flow of valuable information for us from Simon. After being involved in quite a few group buys, I can easily say that this was one of the smoothest experience. And J-Dub deserves all of the gratitude. :beer:

Can someone reiterate to me the difference between the N2 and the N4 emitters?

I can vouch for him taking care of his customers. He takes customer service and satisfaction seriously. :beer:

In the case of the mushy switch, take your switch apart, turn the boot inside out, and take a look at the molded in button on the boot. Notice anything? Sometimes there cut down. Now you can set the switch up, to the boot by the thickness of the spacer or washer, tuning it a little better, just touching or maybe a little into the take up / reset of the action on the switch actuator. But yes the spring in the switch could be a little stouter on some, then I choose to change the out!

Most people decide which to go for by looking at the tints 3A,1C etc,these indicate the tint or colour of the light whether it’s cool, neutral or warm etc.

The different tints don’t give the same light output in lumens

N4,N2 etc is the brightness bin, output in lumens, N4 will output more light than a N2.

I realize most people (including myself) decide on the different tints, but I haven’t seen a choice of brightness bins on a factory light before now. Appreciate the info

Thanks for all you did in helping with this light, it definitely is something special. Hell I may even buy a second when the smo reflector becomes available. But speaking on something you mentioned it is the first light I’ve seen in person or in beam shots that has no donut artifact. So I have a feeling many different reflectors were researched before Simon chose one for it. I actually bought the unprotected evva for this light because the protected were to long. But I take precautions. I’ll probably never get to the 3volt level and I randomly spot check the voltage on them to make sure they are draining evenly. Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if keep power,thorfire, evva all use the same basic 5000mah base cell and rewrap. This is my most powerful light to date very happy with it. I think it will be a true contender as a thrower with the new smooth reflectors I wouldn’t be surprised with the head and power to see 800-1000 meters of throw. But as someone mentioned in a post above I grab this over my s70 just about every time. It feels better in the hands. And not so top heavy. With the s70 I hold it towards the bottom fins to be comfortable with it. Once again thanks for help making this happen. This is one of the better BLF lights. Its not directly BLF build but pretty much is, don’t hear of people having DOA, strange whining noises, flickering emitters etc. Seems like well built quality light with proper wires and solders. Because honestly I almost returner my s70. When I first got it the led flickered on turbo. And if the tailcap isn’t put on with uber strength the light would just cut off until tightened more. And im 190lbs its not like im weak it has tk be tightened more then i care for. But its seemed to behave better now. Once you torque down the tailcap it runs with no issues but I’ve negrt had to torque down a tailcap light that even took the tactical ring off thinking maybe it was interfering So if I’m out in the woods l6 every time just on reliability alone. Worst case it dies I send it to dale or some BLF member willing to mod and upgrade it for me

Is their a coupon code for aliexpress? They don’t take PayPal right?

Search for Paypal in this thread.
… and ask Simon for BLF discount.

Some pics and beamshots with L6 5000K

Gearbest has the xhp70 n4 ic, is that a little bit nuetral white?

Very nice shots! Really dig the Tower shot, very COOL! :+1:

Is the XHP70 N4 5000K at gearbest a typo? is it a really N2 5000k?

I took some beam-shots of the L6 5A compared to the S70. Same camera settings for both shots.

Distance to tree line is 190 meters.

L6 5A on the left. S70 on the right.





Turbo Enlarged (L6 Top, S70 Bottom):

Personal thoughts:

The mode spacing on the L6 is incredible! There’s a big noticeable change of brightness from one mode to the next. The S70 mode spacing, while adequate, isn’t too great now that I have seen the L6.

The low mode on the L6 is 100x more usable than the “low” mode on the S70. The L6 has a beautiful low.

I prefer the L6 beam. It’s a pretty perfect mix of flood and throw. Spill just as bright as on the S70 with a tighter beam.

The 5A tint is outstanding, and visually doesn’t seem any less bright than the S70’s cool tint (I imagine the S70 is a higher bin too).

Something interesting that you can see in the pictures is that bugs were more attracted to the cool white light of the S70 over the warm white light of the L6.

Also, you can see how the warm white tint of the L6 penetrates haze so much better than the cool white tint of the S70.

In summary, the L6 beats the S70 in my opinion. :slight_smile:

And it is SO much easier to handle than the S70! Perfectly balanced, and amazing grip.

Thanks jescereal :smiley:
Your comments and terrific photos much appreciated!
Now I feel I really can’t do without the L6 :stuck_out_tongue: Oh poor me…

…L6 now works with a LD-M2 9A:

Original: 60kLux, now 95kLux.

Only thing that´s not optimal is the Screw at Sideclicky, it´s not really firm, you should check this!
Look´s it like HERE (second picture), it´s definitively not tight.

Lots of wires in that, looks complicated.