I’ve been looking at the S series for a while. I’d decided on the S3 but I want it somewhat customized and can’t (yet) do that myself. Then along comes a suggestion to check out the Eagle Eye A6. It basically has all the customization I want in its stock form. The problem is I can hardly find any reviews on the A6. I found one review online and it’s from the same person that suggested the light to me. Nothing wrong with that of course but this looks like a rock star of a flashlight so why isn’t everyone else talking about it? Is Bugsy36 the only person that has any experience with this light? Sure I found the one group buy thread for a custom BLF version (I jumped right on board of course). It has generated a lot of interest and it looks like for good reason. It also looks like I’ll be waiting a while for that special edition. So for now I’m back to needing a light that I can have in my hands in a few weeks. Does anyone actually own the A6 and the S3? How do they stack up side by side? How do the beams compare? In print there are nothing but positives on the A6 but I like reviews and there just aren’t enough of them out there. I know and trust Convoy so even though “on paper” the Eagle Eye looks superior I’m at least a little skeptical. I’m looking for some more opinions and hopefully input from people who own the A6. Thanks all and thanks to Bugsy36 for the suggestion.
Keep in mind that this light is new...only a couple months.
Your just splitting hairs trying to find which one is "best." They all have drivers with set mode groups, delivering the same amount of power to the LED. The difference I see that is obvious in pics is the EE A6 looks a little harder to mod. if you don't intend to mod it go with whichever one has the best mode groups for your taste and be done with it. The reflectors won't be much different other than s3 uses a short reflector because its a hair smaller. The OD is practically all the same. I'm sure they all come with the same generic cheap tailcap and springs. the s5 is also a shorter light the same size as the s3, I would go with one of those personally, it's become my favorite edc light of late. I'm not sure if the 6A driver has anything to do with it or not lol.
True. I have a feeling that I’m going to end up with both. Thanks.
I can’t argue with that. I’m just so used to researching the heck out of any purchase like this that this one blindsided me. I’m sure both would be great. Would be better with a 6A driver though!
So bummed…
Almost jumped on the A6 just a few minutes ago. Unfortunately on BG they are “Expected restock on 7th April 2015” for the neutral white. I can’t wait for the BLF version! It looks like I may end up with a Simon modded S3 to hold me over until the BLF version is at my door. I see a conversation with my wife in the near future about “why I needed another flashlight” :~ . I want the S3 and I will certainly be buying the BLF A6 the minute I hear it’s available. Something tells me that I won’t be able to hold out and will end up with the stock A6 first (one has to have a comparison point right?). I probably shouldn’t spend this money on flashlights of course but maybe I can sell it by saying I found these while looking for a “budget light”. Ha!
Hey J-Dub just wondered if you ever got the S3 or A6? (I followed your S3 thread to here)
I’ve been on exactly the same fence as you:
I want the same things in a light.
Been considering the S3
Can’t wait for the BLF A6 :bigsmile:
Since I’m also already committed to and awaiting the BLF A6, I was thinking about picking up the Convoy S3 7135*8 NW in the meantime, mainly because I also really like that smooth stainless steel bezel, but I’d prefer the Gunmetal Grey color and I can’t find it anywhere in that color in NW.
So another light I’m thinking of, that you also may want to consider, is the DQG Tiny Ⅲ Compact NW, I have the first generation (twisty) and like it a lot, it’s very compact, very bright, has great tint, and I haven’t had any problems with it.
The price is right at only $23.99 It’s the smallest 1x18650 light on the market. I figured this 3rd generation with side switch would be more convenient than my 1st Gen. twisty (as long as it isn’t always turning on accidentally in my pocket like my Olight S15 does, I also have the Olight S20 18650 But I don’t like the CW tint on it)
It seems to have all the features you’re (and I’m) looking for:
• Very small (pocketable) 18650 light that can accept protected cells, looks good and has some wow factor on high.
• Neutral white tint
• No blinkie
• DQG Quality
• Less than $25 “($23.45 here)”:http://www.banggood.com/DQG-CREE-XM-L2-EDC-850lm-4Modes-Smallest-LED-Flashlight-18650-p-970066.html
• Nice beam pattern, even with the TIR optic has decent flood and great throw.
• Nice pocket clip
• Smooth stainless bezel
It’s very bright, 850LM on turbo, plus I like the knurling and grey color anodizing.
Here’s some “initial impressions” from member Firelight2 when he received one: https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/31900#comment-734723
I have an EE A6, and it is a nice light. I got it for the 4 modes with no blink, but it appears that there is a single hidden strobe mode. I think it is a great light for what it is, and I am up for the BLF special as well, and having this one will tide me over until then. I also ordered a DQG Tiny III clicky as well, but it has not arrived, though it also looks like a great carry light. I don’t think you will go wrong with either, I am going to build one of the “S” lights as my first build anyway, so I will get a host later… Good luck!
Hey beam0. The A6 was my first choice but it’s been out of stock in NW forever. I can’t wait for the BLF version but that’s taking some time as you know. So I did get the S3 with the exact same options you mentioned but in black. I bought it directly from Simon with the 3 mode group (no blinky). He set it up just the way I wanted and shipped it to Michigan. If I remember correctly it cost a hair over $18 and he threw in a clip and had it to my door in about 15 days. Pretty impressive coming from China. The standard Convoy clip stinks on this light though so I took it off almost immediately. The light is really nice though. Standard Convoy ridiculously high quality for the price, great beam pattern and plenty bright. I’d guesstimate in the 800ish range on the lumen scale on high. I don’t regret it at all but it is still in my opinion too big for pocket carry. Let me clarify that…great for a coat pocket, a little big for pants pocket carry at least as an EDC. I’m still have my little Olight i3s EOS in my pocket everyday. I run it off an Efest 10440 so it’s a lot of light from a really tiny flashlight. I do want more though. That DQG you mentioned looks like a solid choice but I think my wife would lose it if I bought another flashlight right now. :~ I think my next EDC attempt will be a 14500 light. Right now I have my eye on the DQG Tiny AA but I’m going to have to wait a bit.
Same here. I’ll wait for the GB for the A6 since it will be better than stock. I really like my DQG Tiny 18650 so I’m going to upgrade that with the Tiny III, and I’m also planning my first build, an S3 Triple, or convert my EE X6 to a triple, going to build both but not sure which one I’ll do first.
This latest round of flashaholism spun out a bit. I was just looking for a new EDC with a little more power than my AAA Olight. I should have known it wouldn’t stop there. I got the S3. Then I had a friend build me a customized Convoy M2 with an XP-L, FET driver, Toykeeper firmware, etc. It pushes a little over 1600 OTF and the darkness cowers. I liked that one so much I had him build me a customized XinTD C8 again with a FET driver pushing a little over 1500 OTF. Then I bought the fancy red S2+ for my wife, a handful of SK68 clones for my kids and a friend, several high drain IMR batteries, AR coated lenses for a few of my other lights…and now I must stop. LOL For a little while anyway. A triple or quad is of course on my wish list too. If only these things were free…
I also have the Olight i3s EOS, running it on AAA but I want to try Li-ion in it, I understand it’s much brighter on the 10440?
Thanks for the feedback on the S30 and aliexpress seller Simon. If I decide to get one I will buy my S3 from him too, I emailed him about the Grey color.
Exactly what didn’t you like about the convoy clip?
I found in another thread a Solarforce clip fits with a homemade contact spacer, I have several spare Solarforce clips, they are VERY sturdy, but I’d much prefer a deep carry style clip like the convoy clip.
(photo courtesty of BLF member ToyKeeper, click photo for thread)
Sorry to hear that the S3 didn’t meet the first requirement for the light you want:
Looking at the dimensions of many of these “tube” lights I have to agree, they are a bit too large for pants (front) pocket EDC, that’s why I got the DQG Tiny 18650 (Gen 1) and the Olight S20. Although both are smaller than the Convoy S-Series, EE A6, Roche F12, Etc. they’re still a bit too fat IMO.
I liked the size of my Xeno E03 AA/14500 light but the 14500 battery didn’t have the capacity I needed, I also have the AA/14500 Olight S15 and it is very small and surprisingly very bright, but again battery life is short, (I’m running a protected AW 750 mAh) Also the S15 is almost too small, I’ve lost it (then found it) several times.
I think I may have found a solution; I’m now exploring another option for an EDC that is slimmer than an 18650 light but with much more battery life than a 14500: The 16650. I recently ordered an Eagletac D25C2, and it should be arriving any day. The size of the light fills the gap nicely between a 14500 light and an 18650 light. The body diameter is only 20mm from head to tail. (twisty switch like the Olight i3s EOS) It’s a discontinued model so I got it for “budget light” price.
Unfortunately 16650 batteries are more uncommon than 18650’s so the choices are limited. I ordered the Keeppower 16650 (Sanyo) protected At 2500mAh it’s actually rated nearly the same capacity of the 18650 (Xtar) 2600mAh batteries I’ve been using.
Hopefully I’ll like the tint of the CW XP-G2 R5 emitter better than the slightly greenish tint of the CW s15/s20 Olights. Also hoping to be able to “magnetize” the tail. If I like the format I may also eventually try the Eagletac D25C2 Clicky with higher output and a clicky tail switch instead of twisty head, and also the option of a NW XML2 emitter.
I think the flash sale on the DQG Tiny III ends on 05-17-2015 for the good price at BangGood… Just figured I would let you know
Yes. that’s the one. I ordered mine from Richard (Mountain Electronics) here: http://www.mtnelectronics.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=80&product_id=474
It’s the first Convoy I’ve ordered that came in a nice White gift box with silver Convoy lettering and a foam insert inside the box that held the light and lanyard in place and even had a cutout for an 18650 so if you wanted you could gift the light with a battery included. If you’re in the US you will pay a couple dollars more but not much and you get much faster shipping and you’re supporting a small family run business. Richard and his wife are very nice to deal with and provide great service. You can chose from 3 different emitters. I got NW and I’m very happy with it. The stainless switch button is really a classy touch and though red isn’t my first choice in color I must admit it’s REALLY nice looking.

I also have the Olight i3s EOS, running it on AAA but I want to try Li-ion in it, I understand it’s much brighter on the 10440?
Yeah it’s significantly brighter on a 10440. Takes it from “cute” to more of a pocket rocket. Impressive amount of light for it’s size. It will only fit the unprotected cells though. I bought the Efest 10440 IMR from Mtn. and it’s been great. It gets hot on high pretty quick but not unmanageable and I have no problem on medium for several minutes which is typically all I’m using the light for.

Thanks for the feedback on the S30 and aliexpress seller Simon. If I decide to get one I will buy my S3 from him too, I emailed him about the Grey color.
No problem. Dealing with Simon was a good experience. I didn’t even use the Aliexpress system. I just emailed Simon directly, told him how I wanted my light customized and sent him the money through Paypal. I was a little hesitant about doing it that way but now that I’ve done it I will definitely order from him that way again. I chose and would recommend the epacket shipping for an extra couple bucks and he told me if I was using that shipping he wouldn’t even charge me for the changes I wanted including the clip so the whole thing was under $20. It sometimes takes him a couple days to respond to emails due to the time difference plus I think he’s a very busy guy.

Exactly what didn’t you like about the convoy clip?
I found in another thread a Solarforce clip fits with a homemade contact spacer, I have several spare Solarforce clips, they are VERY sturdy, but I’d much prefer a deep carry style clip like the convoy clip.
(photo courtesty of BLF member ToyKeeper, click photo for thread)
What I didn’t like was the screws and nuts needed to keep it in place. It made the tail end of the light really ugly. The nuts looked clunky on the inside of the tailcap and the screws though short were still long enough that they actually touched the switch cover and I worried that over time it would tear the boot. If I have a little extra time I’ll put it back on and take a picture or two to show you what I’m talking about. If I can find shorter screws I may try it again. I too really wanted a deep carry clip. If I could I’d have deep carry clips on all my knives and flashlights. The Convoy clip is fairly thin as well and with the MacGyver’d mounting setup it just took away from the quality look of the light IMO. The setup Toykeeper used looks much better but I wanted deep carry so it just rides in my coat pocket for now. I’ll look into something smaller in the future. I don’t need super long runtime for a pocket light. I almost always have an 18650 light or three close enough to grab in a few minutes if needed. A 14500 is probably the way I’m heading because I like the size options it gives me. There are some cool looking 18350 lights light the shortened Convoy S series lights but they’re still a little fat for inconspicuous pocket carry. I will always have a knife and a flashlight in my right front pocket but I work in an office environment and don’t want big bulging pockets.
Thanks for the reply about that clip on the S3, unfortunate however good information I’ve wanted to find out for a long time.

The setup Toykeeper used looks much better but I wanted deep carry
Yeah I agree, too bad Solarforce dosen’t make a deep carry clip, a design like this style on the Olight S20:
DQG Tiny Ⅲ Compact NW
Wow, I really like that one! Nice mode spacing, and so small : )
Yes it is a nice light, and TINY for an 18650!

Yes it is a nice light, and TINY for an 18650!
Can I ask how long it took to get yours? Did you order from BG? Do they have an “epacket” option?