Following on from LinusHofmann's thread, I ordered the big KD reflector, along with the camera lens hoods/adapters that he linked in his OP.
They all turned up during the week, so I was eager to see what needed to be done to get it all together.
I have a modded D01 that I prepared earlier, which is already a killer thrower. The only change made since that thread is the addition of a Fet driver, although the performance is still the same @ 340kcd.
Here's all the parts from Linus' shopping list, plus I threw in a lens protector;
The KD reflector was flawless, & dwarfs the stock D01 reflector.
I needed to remove some material from the OD of the reflector lip, in order for it to fit into the larger of the two hoods. It could be done with a file, but you better take a cut-lunch with you...
Now that I could trial-fit all of the parts, the entire assembly comes up just a few mm too short.
There's no chance of fitting a regular lens & 'O' ring, as the reflector is sitting almost flush with the top of the upper hood.
In addition to this, I didn't like the idea of cutting the original bezel in half to use to clamp the assembly to the body.
I rummaged through some parts I had, & found a 74mm lens filter assembly that I had from when I was trying out some different lenses. The female thread, although a slightly finer pitch, fitted onto the D01 body, so after some more measuring, I figured that I could get the ideal height by attaching the filter ring to the lower hood.
I sanded the threads off the lower hood;
& also sanded down the ring a little;
Until I ended up with this;
The lower hood & ring were then JB welded together;
In order for the reflector to sit down flush onto the MCPCB, I also had to relieve the inside lip of the upper hood;
And finally, we end up with a completely reversible solution, with enough height to install a more durable lens & 'O' ring if one desires;
What the hell is that in there?!? That there, is my centering ring, made from an old 20mm driver. It fits over the modified XM-XP centering ring that was already in the light;
Here's the finished light, using an 86mm UV filter for the lens;
Soooo, was it worth the effort?
I took a back-to-back comparison, measured @ 10m;
Stock reflector, 340kcd.
Quick reflector change whilst topping up the batteries;
KD reflector, 625kcd.
Yes. 625 kcd.
:beer: :beer:
Thanks for reading!
Beam shots, because I know someone will ask for them;
Mouse-over, KD reflector, mouse out - standard reflector.