Who said it started on high first? According to the description on the product page is is listed as low-mid-high and would appear (judging by that) it starts in low mode first. If not it would say “high-mid-low”. Nothing is mentioned about memory but as long as it started in low I wouldn’t need it.
Also, just how low is low? Do we know yet? A small EDC like this should have a moon mode low. Clarification on the emitters used is also needed. Can it be easily modded later to a NW XM-L2?
The picture on CNQG shows the titanium version. Black would look...well...black.
As far as I know it is L-M-H (having read the entire thread during lunch).
My response was that some people this isn’t the preferred order. And having mode memory would solve this no matter what the mode order was.
I love my EalgeTac D25LC2, but it’s Moonlight - L - M - H.
I use H 99% of the time and L 1% of the time and other modes never.
This means almost every time I use it I have to troll through 3 modes I don’t want (often one handed). As best I still have to troll through 1extra mode.
It’s my best light - but also my worst due to the UI. And having experienced this with one light it’s enough to make me never want to buy another light with a similar UI.
The A8 BLF Edition and the Tank007 Eo9 seem to manage with mode memory, which totally alleviates this PITA of a UI and allows them to suit any need.
Ric - is there no chance of mode memory on lights like this?
Thats Rics answer to my above quoted question I asked because in the post before that he said "3 Mode—- High 2A ; Mid 0.5A; Lo 0.1A;"
Also, I guess the dark color we see on fancyflashlights is black. If you look at this pic from the first post:
it seems not as dark. Might be wrong tho, so maybe we should wait for Ric to post some pics with both color versions available.
I guess its moddable.. maybe a 3up Nichia board? :D
Also, I would like to know a little bit more about the driver. Is it simple linear/buck regulator or is there a boost circuit included, like with the DQG AA?
I pre-ordered. This is my first time doing this, so hope it works out (for all of us :laughing:! Titanium and NW.
Am I correct that these also ship from China (I’m in the U.S.)? I have several orders from various places that are in-flight, including Fasttech (“in the mail”), so getting impatient with these :(…
Since it’s designed to only run on an 18650 I see no reason why it would have a boost circuit. I’m sure it’s just a simple linear regulator. There is literally no room for boost circuit as the driver would be too thick.