Last day today for this group buy. Interests hits 20+ pieces.
Final price goes to
25usd free shipping.
19th is the last day to make shippment.
Last day today for this group buy. Interests hits 20+ pieces.
Final price goes to
25usd free shipping.
19th is the last day to make shippment.
Ric, is the 25 usd free registered shipping? is the $23 for unregistered shipping still an option?
If so, this is the count I see:
1 - me (HBomb)
2 - cd520
2 - Revolver
1 - mizjif
1 - Parnid
1 (or 2) - troyboy162
1 - edc
2 - Chicago X
1 - ludow
1 - litemax
1 - bozma88 - poor quality specimen for cheaper preferred
1 (or up to 3) - okwchin
1 (or 2) - HeiFinn
1 (or 2) - ackbar
1 - Bullpup12564
1 - a1penguin
1 maybe - koookie
1 maybe - kragmutt
1 maybe - aoyue2702
So that puts us at 19 "in"s and 27 if you add all the maybes and multiples. Only problem I see is that there may not be enough of the NW magnet ones to go around (seems like 5 want it and there are only 3 in NW, 5 in CW).
Paypal sent for 2 with 2 claws.
RIC, could you please let me know something about my request? PM me if you prefer. thank you.
Seems fair that NW+magnet-ones would go to the people who were first to say they want that. Another option is to choose randomly, but the first option seems simple and fair, no?
I will send money by paypal as soon as the unregistered mail -question is answered. I would guess Ric is sleeping right now, so that should be tomorrow.
Paypal sent for two NW with glow dot.
Thanks again, Ric.
PP sent for one CW with magnet and claw $26.50
Thanks Ric .I paid 35? for my other one so this was a great deal.
27.50 NW and claw. Thank you and happy new year.
Paypal sent ($26) for one NW + Glow dot.
Transaction ID # 46283777W47672625
I expect shipping will take a long time but thats ok
PP sent to
80.50 USD for
2x . . . NW + Magnet
1x . . . NW + Glow Dot
1x . . . 17mm Gold plat Tail click Tactical Switch
ok.. so I take it the lowest price for this group buy was $25 , I would have gotten one at $23 but I think I'll pass @ $25
Still looking forward to my DRY arriving.
Sent paypal for NW + magnet.
These are sent to postal office few days ago. Maybe these bounce back to Ric too. Anybody with tracking number with events?
1 CW + 2 claws
Transaction ID # 5HA0XXXXXXXXXX61A
I've got a tracking number.. No info when I put it in the website though.
Just got mine. This thing is awesome!
Mine should be here tomorrow, me hopes!
Got my 2 today. I have to say I'm pretty impressed with them. The quality of mine are on par with the DQGII AAA. My wife took me to work today which means she has my normal carry keys with my DQGII so I cant really do a beam comparison right now. However it does seem like it throws more.
Thank you Ric for the group buy!
when you get your keys back dont wonder if the DQG AA is taken away by your woman.