Hello everybody, I posted a new thread in:
Home » Forums » Budget Flashlight Buy / Sell » Commercial Sellers' Spot » DealExtreme.com [Commercial]
Since the news didnt show up on the front page of budgetlightforum.com i am pointing to it now by the help of this thread (originally titled: DX.com — Great service!! :D)
Please check it out, it's big positive news:
DX is official part of BLF — Welcome!!
just wanted to chryshill my good experience with them:
the other day i reported how my beloved Romisen RC-29 went bad. after a few months of possession of a budget light most users probably dont bother if the light dies. what can you expect from china made mass produced stuff right? right. however, 15$ is still money and it shouldnt go to waste just like that. i somehow have a high appreciation of the Romisen brand, it's rather a feeling than anything else, and it is founded on the beautiful brand name and the fact that, like Tank007, they are a real manufacturer with a factory site and stuff. quality, website, and reputation is good, etc., i am only missing updated models with the latest CREE led's.
instead of accepting that one of my RC-29's went bad, i contacted DX chat and they suggested me to open a DX case, which i did last Friday. Today is Tuesday morning and my case is already solved: the DX cs rep asked me if i wanted a replacement copy or a store credit. i chose the latter, and they are processing it right now. they said that in ~3 days i should see it in my online account.
That's fantastic service. What a wonderful experience imo! Saved my day :D
Whoever has a similar case (an electronic product turning bad or mal-functioning after months of use), i can only advise/recommend to do the same: not accept the product failure but contact DX cs for some suggestions/help.