Summary of this coupon and giveaway:
Exduct has been updated and it looks like this is over. I am still running my affiliate giveaway, though it is now down to 3%.
Thanks to everyone who took part in this while it lasted. I am anxious to see what exduct will do for the winners of the 9th and 10th raffles as well as what deals they can do for us BLFers in the future. As I am sure they know, few people in this world shop around as well as we do, and we will always put Budget at the front.
Use code: BLFgiveaway
on any exduct order and receive 5% off. In addition, 5% of your total will be added to the commission for the giveaway pot.
To check on the giveaway balance at any time, you can login with "BLFcommission" as user and pword. More info here. Giveaways will occur each time the pot hits 100 USD. There will be a separate giveaway thread each time for those who had used the coupon to contribute to the pot cycle to enter. One entry per user with a valid order.
5 winners will be chosen randomly and given a custom one-time use code for $20 off (17 on goods, 3 on shipping) to use on an exduct purchase. This code will be linked with your regular exduct account used to place your giveaway qualifying order.
Concurrently, I am offering a referral giveaway pot as well. Feel free to participate or not. I keep that info updated here. Just add "?aff_id=17" to any exduct url to add 5% to that pot. For example referral links to the special deals page and home page:
In case it was buried in this thread SB please move it to gear for flashlight users or commercial spot if you think it's better.
I thought I'd make a new one for this info. Jackyhu from recently joined BLF and has offered to go along with Vectrex's great idea to have a community coupon. 5% off your order and 5% commission to the BLF pot. Once commission hits $100, there will be a drawing/raffle for 5 $20 coupons. More details will be sorted out when it gets to that point.
Some unclear details and suggestions:
Which members are eligible? It was discussed being only users who had used the coupon.
Is this coupon still a once per user thing? Or, can users make multiple orders to raise the pot?
Jacky, maybe you should lock that public account password so people can't change it.
Can exduct users donate the commission they've already made to the BLF pot, in case some are feeling generous?
I just put in an order with it and it worked for the 5% off :)