This is a work in progress and I'm sure there are many more FL, like f.e. the ones with Crescendo User Interface (pimarily meant fot FET+1 or FET+N+1 drivers with a ATtiny25, though it can also work on ATtiny13, 45 and 85, or with just one power channel. It works best on reverse clickies). Feel free to point me to FL not listed and/or mistakes I've made. I'll update this list by user input (also, suggestions for the table layout are welcome).
There is also a list of BLF flashlights somewhere, forgot who created it.
I didn’t know that the FT02 has Narsil, it is not listed in the item description on banggood.
I had both the S42 and the BLF A6 - were there maybe several revisions of either or both lights? I am fairly certain that these lights didn’t have the same firmware when I had them. The S42 was horrible to use, the A6 was good. both are gone now, so can’t check.
Hi acab, you probably mean The BLF Special Edition Lights - Master List?
I couldn't find the proper information for FT02 firmware either, so I strikethrough on the list.
As for the S42 and BLF A6, I have them both @ home and will check there UI's later on the evening ...
Thank you teacher. I’ve also added the upcoming LuckySun BLF-D80 v2 with Bistro and I’m confident many more FL with BLF DNA will follow in the near future :FACEPALM:
I think the very fluid nature and the many revisions of each light make it interesting but also difficult to collect input.
For example, unless I flashed the firmware myself, I would have no idea which version is on each flashlight. A user could check all the lights and write down features or compare them to a U/I sheet…