Triple Cree XP-G2 3D emitters on 19mm Noctigon MCPCB
Carclo 10507 optic with diffusion film
ARC glass
MTN 15+1 FET driver with GuppyDrv3
Aluminium & brass heatsink
GITD inserts
Black & thermochromic aesthetics
Reverse clicky tail switch in copper housing
Tritium vial in switch
Length – 64mm
Width – 24mm
Weight – 77g (With 16340 cell)
Max – 1700lm
I rebuilt the pill with some copper tube & aluminium bar.
The reverse clicky tail switch is housed in some copper tube & sheet covered with a silicone boot.
I installed a 4mm x 0.5mm green tritium vial in the titanium switch button backed with glow powder.
Green GITD powder mixed with UV setting glue applied to the front & back inserts and JB Weld in some other side recesses. Carbon fibre wrap in the battery tube to stop any rattle.
Very tacticool. I can’t seem to bring myself to mod anything but inexpensive lights. ~$20-$30 my interest seems to wane but I’m glad there are some with a more generous budget.
I could also do an 18650 version but would have to re tap the threads and make a tail cap for it. Maybe next time, maybe not. The shape is so iconic I don’t want to get too far away from it and 16650 already gets to 2500mAhr. The way I did this one 16340 would be a snap, wouldn’t even need the brass, just human lathe the back into the front a bit after reaming the inside. It certainly isn’t about minimizing the effort since the less the effort the less likely I’ll bother with it.
:) Thanks mate. I don’t like the light with the strike bezel attached to the front either but i do like it’s detail on the body, and that is where it will stay, unless of course i find myself being attacked, then hopefully i would have time to take it out, change it all around and set the light to strobe mode :laughing: :person_facepalming: lol, i jest!
That looks and likely performs awesome. Great taste. I need to send you mine for that electronic & led hook up! lol I bought a blue one when they first dropped. I got a few different bezels. Neat how they can move around and interchange. Fun light.
So far it is holding up well. I am pretty gentle with my gear. So I am not a good durability tester. It rides solo in my front jean pocket usually. I can tell you I dropped it on wooden floors. It bent the striker bezel pretty good. I just carefully bent it back by hand. No problems so far.