I saw an advertisment for a G700 tactical light and was intrigued. Thank goodness I started doing a little reading and ended up here, where I found more info on flashlights than I could believe, most of it I couldnt understand. I (like most folks I imagine) never realized that some flashlights required drivers!
I am new to flashaholicism and would like to learn more but I am at this point, to say the least, very confused. I have spent much time reading here trying to educate myself and hopefully find just the right light……. preferably a small but powerful one. I ran across a link on BLF that took me to Banggood and the Astrolux S1 that was linked to the BLF site but was wondering if the Astrolux S1 CREE XP-L 1600LM 7/4modes 18650/18350 w/additonal shorter tube for $30 is the same light as the BLF A6 CREE XPL 1600LM 7/4modes EDC for $40 …… If so, does the Astrolux have the same drivers and capabilities? If not, what are the differences besides the lower price and the additional 18350 tube? Is the discount code GBLFA6SE current for the BLF model and if so, what is that price?
Thanks for your site and it’s detailed information and TIA for your advice. I am looking forward to learning much more.
Welcome to the forum! A lot of people have been finding us through Google searches for the “G700” flashlight, so it’s definitely a good thing you searched before you spent the money. I started up a thread about it a while back, and found the exact same flashlight (minus the engraving on the side) for much cheaper on Banggood.
My 2 cents:
A lot of the flashlights that you find on these Chinese websites are WAAAAAY under powered, in my opinion. They usually have a lot of false claims as to their brightness. Having said that, we do a lot of “Group Buys” where we tell the manufacturer what our requirements are, and they try to make a light to our specs. There have been quite a few “Group Buys,” and you’ll know which ones they are by having the “BLF” in front of it. They’re usually the most up-to-date, hotrodded flashlights on the market.
Some are still available to purchase; like the BLF A6. I don’t own a Astrolux S1, but from what I’ve heard by reading the review that ohaya posted a link to, it looks like a slightly higher quality light (although, even I probably couldn’t tell the difference between the two). Either one, I’m sure, would wow your buds.
The BLF A6 coupon has expired (I just tried it). But it looks like a new code now works; coupon code: c2d45c . It brings the A6 down to $29.95. Hope this helps!
Edit: I did just notice that you can buy the BLF A6 from Banggood’s US warehouse. Whereas the Astrolux S1 is only available from the Chinese warehouse. Depending on where you live in the world, that could knock off a week or 2 of shipping time if you’re in the US and buy from the US warehouse.
Maybe there has been some QC changes on the S1……… I think I will wait a bit or maybe just go for the A6 if I can get it at the $30 price, but I would like to have the 18350 tube
I exchanged messages with Neal, the Banggood representative, and asked him this very question. I am happy to report that he says the two flashlights are identical, both inside and out.
There are a few members of BLF who own both. They, too, confirm that the lights are the same. Right now, that means the Astrolux S1 is the better deal. It's the one I would buy if I did not already own a pair of A6s.
Be sure you study up on Li-ion batteries. They are used by hundreds of millions of people every day in mobile phones, tablets, and laptops. They are generally very safe, but in rare cases they can "vent" with smoke and flames. You have probably seen a few news stories about it. Learn why over-charging and over-discharging can cause problems.
The best way to stay out of trouble is to purchase only quality batteries and chargers from vendors that you trust. Around here, Mountain Electronics and Illumn, among others, have earned good reputations. Do not buy from random sellers on Amazon and ebay. In my own use, I will not purchase or use batteries or chargers that carry the brand xxxx-Fire. Flashlights, yes; chargers and batteries, no.
To get the most out of your Astrolux S1, you should get a high-draw, unprotected battery. I am using the Samsung 30Q. The S1 has built-in protection circuits, including a low-voltage cutoff, so you should be okay using an unprotected battery.
Any of the chargers made by Xtar would serve you well, as would one of the Digicharger models from Nitecore.
The BLF A6 and the Astrolux S1 are exactly the same light. The Astrolux is the latest version. It is also cheaper when you consider the short tube. The only advantage the BLF A6 has is that it has BLF on it....for those that it matters to.
BTW...Welcome! Just be careful...this place is like a black hole. There is no escape...especially of you start with the Astrolux S1.
Thanks for your post Yourrid. I decided to go ahead and spring for the A6 ……… didnt want to mess with any QC issues with the S1. Would still like to have the 18350 tube to play with. Do you know if Banggood has them or a link?
Thanks for your help
Here is the thread where the 18350 tube is discussed. There is a coupon code in the OP.
There is also a coupon code for the A6 itself. Check the OP of this thread. With coupon, the price is $29.95 USD. Today, unfortunately, a BLF member reported that that code no longer works. In post #6032, another poster suggests this code: c2d45c
There is also an unanodized version of the A6 discussed in this thread. The OP there also has a coupon code.
If you just placed your order, you can probably cancel it if you want. Check the orders page at Banggood. Canceling will give you a chance to reorder using a coupon code, and also tack on an order for a couple of batteries. Send a PM to BLF member M4D M4X to get a coupon code for the batteries.
For what it is worth, I am still recommending the Astrolux S1.
The Astrolux states that it comes with the 18350 tube, as well as the full length 18650 tube, and the extra bits that the A6 has… so for the same price (assuming A6 cooupon code), the Astrolux works out to be a better choice, for me. I’m ok not having BLF engraved on it. I can do that myself.
Yep… just hold your hand steady and secure the light in a soft-jaw vice. You can actually draw out some really cool patterns and then engrave over top of the stenciling to make some super fancy (or not) designs on a light.