GB BLF LuckySun D80-SE Need long tubes? -3/3/16

To be honest- I would prefer it other ways. I´d like to really see a good diference between high and turbo- if there is nearly not noticeable difference between them, there is no sense for me. Turbo mostly is used for showing off- no one needs to squeeze out the last lumen while walking around outside, for doing that, even the normal high is more than enough- so why two steps?

Not to even ask to change anything, but are we able to reprogram the driver?

I already have "ecoturbo" on the eagle eyes X6 and it kinda blows to be honest. I still love the light but the mode spacing makes it seem kinda goofy. The current numbers in Turbo are great for a light this size. If we could get the mode spacing better that would rock. The 6 second issue is a non-issue for for me. I'm really looking forward to this - Thanks to Kronological and all the other members for the effort.

Oops! Sorry about that! You’d think, as a photographer, I’d be all over the pictures side of things. Somehow the Flashaholic in me is a separate entity from the Photographer and I don’t mix em up a lot. Although my Flickr account won’t prove that out, almost all my stored pics there are flashlight related. (sad, I have no social life)

I’ll get some pics.

I do need to ask though, on the memory thing… this light sets the memory after 6 seconds of use. This does not mean that it holds that memory forever until you do something intentionally different.

What it means is, if you turn the light off before 6 seconds, memory will be set to next mode from the one it was in when you turned it off.

If you want memory set, you MUST leave the light on at least 6 seconds every time before you turn it off. Failure to run the light more than 6 seconds results in the default next mode memory.

So, changing this to 2 seconds would be helfpul, not otherwise.

No pictures in hand, but plenty others from my review including side by side with C8 etc.


I can only second that! 6 seconds is waaayyy too looooong. 2 seconds on a Qlite is already a PITA sometimes, the best is off time memory, like most Xtar and all Fenix lights have - that’s the way to go!

+1000 :smiley:

Don’t think that’s the way mode memory works. Even with your mode memory operation with 2 sec set, for example, if you turn on and then turn off, you are set to next mode — and there is no longer 2 sec set. You should not be setting mode memory with every use.

I think Dale knows how it works - he has a sample light. :wink:

Umm, ya the 6 second thing is a bigger deal than I thought. I hate next mode. Thanks for the clarification DB Custom.

Neither can we, twin towers, so it’s being addressed. We don’t plan on it being finalized with such a blatant oversight. :wink:

Thank you Dale!!! This is exactly what I’m talking about!!!

Please for the love of god make it 2 seconds. Or less.

Anyone know?

We’re working on it. Just put some ice in your Pepsi and chill :bigsmile:

Nice! Wow, that thing really is a pocket rocket. Way smaller than I expected from the stock photos.

In that case 6 sec is too long. This mode memory operation is quite different from the older lights memory operation — they do not require setting every time.

Maybe it’s not quite as simple as that, the MCU is part of a system, the pcb is the roadmap for the system, fitting the components together. Even if it’s got an ATiny13A MCU, the traces have to all be right for us to be able to flash it and make a change. This one uses 2 of the small FET’s, I don’t know how they’ve configured the LVP in relation to the resistors, the capacitors, I just don’t know.

BUT, I DO have an original D80, with the mixed up modes and stuff. I can try flashing it with our regular on-time firmware and see how it acts…. was planning to swap out the driver anyway so if it fails it’s not a big deal.

Edit: must be a different wiring layout, connecting my USB programmer to it seems to short out my programmer. Well, I tried!

DB, who’s awesome?

You’re awesome. :smiley: