Group Buy-BLF X6-SE OP update-GB over.

Is there now a third tint available? Can’t see it on the bg page?

Good Day Werner,

They are not yet available, & You have to ask to be added to the request list for the WW BLF X6 (in Yourrid's thread).

In the OP Krono said:

Best Regards,


Got the 1st of my 2 torches today.
Very very impressed, thanks so much to everyone involved.
I’m planning on leaving 1 stock, but doing a spring bypass on the other, I’m a compete novice & I’m wondering if the are already video tutorials on how to do this, or better still if one of the guys here could make one for this torch when doing there own.
(Maybe if I could get a pm it would help as I’m struggling to keep up with all the posts here (although I am trying :-)))
Special thanks to krono & Dale :slight_smile:


I think that that was for the tailcap spring, but the driver spring would be similar.

Good Day Anthony RE,

You have to post your request with quantity & choice of tint (CW, NW, or WW) in Yourrid's thread:

----====Sign-Up List====---- BLF Edition Eagle Eye X6 Group Buy

Best Regards,


I’m looking for a recommendation for new cells to run these lights. I don’t thing the laptop pulls and TrustFire cells I have are giving me the full performance I should be getting from this light.

My CW EE X6 already arrive,man it such a beautiful light and i can’t believe i buy it for $20 :slight_smile:
It was a steal :bigsmile:
The NW is on its way…

Get mine today.

What a wonderful light @ a great price. :slight_smile:

Thanks BLF

I’d say either go for a purple Efest. I think Mt Electronics sells them. Or Samsung 25R. The latter I think you can also get from RMM. Or here if you don’t mind the wait:

They arrived save and sound in NRW Germany! :party:

Thanks for your great work guys! :bigsmile:

And they sure look good!
thanks for all your effort!!!

Yippeeee!! Tracking shows that mine are out for delivery - meaning I no longer have to look at pictures!

Two weeks from order to door step.

it seems everyone is getting their lights. anyone know why after almost 3 weeks that my order is still being prepared in china?

Mine still shows same.

Though a different package from another seller still shows the same, but was delivered on Friday.

I just received a letter from paypal BG says that my order is being prepared and should ship soon. I got lost in the cracks somewhere. 3 weeks and not even shipped . :expressionless: :frowning:

Got my NW example today , and I am very pleased .

Fit and finish is wonderful , and the diminutive size is somewhat surprising .

The beam profile tends toward the throwy side , although the spill is good and bright .

The modes are not well separated , this has been noted several times previously and doesn't bother me that much , as I will most likely only use medium and high .

Having participated in nearly every BLF special light , I can state that this is the best one yet , and my favorite .

Thanks to krono and everyone else that helped to make this custom light a reality .

It is hard to make The Perfect Light

Different needs and wants fly left and right

We've had failures profound

But this one might be crowned

As the best one we almost got right


I received my BLF NW 3 days ago, the the first CW will arrive in teh next days. It ahs 1,92A on high (this is dissapointing if you expect round about 3,5A, but I know that, after the first 10 BLF reported this). Most parts of the built quality is great and like a much more expensive flashlight. Only one thing isn't perfect. The HA of the head thread has many defect. Does anyone have a similar piece?

To remove the clip I use a similar way like LSX #3888:
I use the wooden pieces of McDo...., which is used to stir the coffee. I broke it into two pieces and push each under the clip and after this I pull the clip.

Y'all are silly, worrying about the smooth SS clip scratching the light. Did you not see my video where this light went sliding down an asphalt street at 60mph? Not a scratch on it where it was sliding. The corners that took direct impacts and sent the light careening through the air suffered damage, and have bits of asphalt and yellow road marking paint where it extracted a price on the street itself as well, but the sides of the light, plainly seen sliding on the pavement, have only one mark on em where actual metal was gouged out. You can hear the light skittering over the pavement, but remarkably little damage was done from that slide. The bounces, yes, the slide, almost nothing.

I have received mine today, and surprisingly the tailcap switch do not work.
I have used a cable and tested the led and driver are OK.
opened a ticket on banggood website.

Make sure You tighten/screw down the switch's retaining ring.