Group Buy Feeler for the Ultrafire F13 from GearBest - Closed, See OP for link to GB thread now

If it won’t fit we now have plenty of 20mm options, assuming you want 7135’s or direct drive. Look at the first post in the Oshpark Projects thread that RBD created. For 7135s you could use texaspyro’s 20mm nanjg 105c clone. For direct drive you could use the BLF20DD V2.0 Mattaus made. Those would sit in even a shallow recess.

I used a pencil on a clone (Paisen U2-Z6). The first time I overdid it and only had high, just erased it and penciled again a bit lighter. Mode change is perfect now, with about a 1 second reset.

I like the older version of the F13 more (my review ), because it has a removeable pill and it was easier to replace the LED and the pill has many threads. I use a pencil to get the mode result.
But the concept is nice, it's a good price and I think I will buy 2-3.

So true… :bigsmile:

For $10 you can put me down for one.

Sorry, I already have the Paisen, more 26650 lights than I have cells for, and more lights than I could ever use, so I couldn't possibly take more than three. More likely two. Don't even suggest four. Two is already too many.

Waiting for an intervention. :|

Buy two. Tell her one for you and one for her.

Either she buys that and you get one, or she doesn't, and given community property laws, you still get one. Along with lots of time outdoors at night to enjoy it.

5/9/14 00:24 Central time I will put the thread up soon, as soon as an error is corrected. Multiples do not take the code, so I am contacting GearBest now.

Sorry, it's always something, isn't it?

Thank you sir for the effort so far.

Unless our flashlights come with free shoes, I don’t think she will buy it. I like lots of time outdoors at night :zipper_mouth_face:

how long will it go for? Payday is next thursday! ARRGH

I went to the site and tested the code. It worked fine for only one light, but if you add lights, it goes away and goes back to the $13.94 price, so I just emailed them to correct it, but I have to wait for a response and for me to check it out. I jumped the gun, since they gave me the info, but, of course.... well you know.

So, I have to wait a little longer before putting up the GB thread.

So… you’re getting 6 then?

7’s a better number…

GB is open.


Thank you for the link. Appreciate all the effort you put in. :beer:

Spoke to soon! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

GB thread is here,

which jingkongs did you buy, the ICR or the INR? and did you have to pay for extra shipping to get the batteries? i’d like some 26650 for hd2010, xintd x3, and this UF F13 GB.
do they keep up the voltage better than 18650?