GYRFALCON S8000, S4000 Pro Battery Charger & Analyzer

Constant current, interrupted every fews seconds for OCV measurement. That’s the normal way of charging NiMH batteries. Charge current is 0.050 – 2.000 A.

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Oh well.

I liked to have a display brightness adjustment, my opus 3100 has light blue backlighting and is quite irritating at night.

Even better would be have an orange backlight or black background and color characters like the new Liitokala chargers

The same has been done with the MC3000 by enterprising users around here.

Where can I find relevant information?

You might contact @dmenezes . I know he was working with some python scripting to do various things with the Mc3000.

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The script functionality is soon to be released,it will be a very interesting feature.

Below is a simple example of a configuration script.
#logcmds 0
=var device=getDevice(“Charger”)

=var isREADY=deviceRead(device,“PreprocessBeforeSettingProgram?”);
#if isREADY == “Ready”
SerialNo temp;
BatteryType Li
Task C
ChargeCurrent 0.5a
LongName iloveyouok
ShortName iloveyou
ChannelNo 1

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Any news about the EU-release?

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Any news about the EU-release?


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Are there some hardware changes done (e.g. other contacts?)

Thanks @Mandrake50 for the mention and sorry for the late response, only today got (some) leisure to have a look at the forum notification list and saw this. this is what I’ve been using( (and adapting for my particular use cases): GitHub - kolinger/skyrc-mc3000: Simple application for monitoring SkyRC MC3000 charger over BLE/Bluetooth and for export/import of profiles over USB

The one above is specific to the SkyRC MC3000 Bluetooth protocol. If you prefer USB (which the MC3000 also has), here’s another opensource project that reportedly works very well (albeit I myself have not used it extensively): GitHub - jaypikay/mc3000: Python interface to use the SKYRC MC3000 Charger USB interface..

There’s also DataExplorer, which is non-MC3000-specific and instead tries to support a number of different chargers (and other devices): DataExplorer - Summary [Savannah]

All of these were the result of reverse-engineering the MC3000 protocol; if Enova wants to innovate and make a charger every enthusiast will want, you would do well to openly publish the protocol specifications; that way no reverse engineering will be necessary and, besides gaining a lot of goodwill among the community, you will almost certainly and at no cost gain immediate support for your charger by a number of opensource projects.

I stand ready to assist, if I can be of help please feel free to contact me.

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Are there some hardware changes done (e.g. other contacts?)

We hope to do more.

3 Thanks

Hi dmenezes, thank you very much. We are very much looking forward to your assistance.
The firmware supporting script configuration and script control is about to be released. Even users who do not understand programming will be able to easily write and use scripts. We are also ready to open more interface commands based on the needs of professional users, allowing them to control and use the S8000 and S4000 Pro more precisely through programming.

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Are you close to announcing the public release of the newest firmware. I worked with you on getting a copy, but was not sure whether I can share anything about it nor the firmware itself.

The firmware files and updater tool are available from the official website: Gyrfalcon S8000 - Enova18650

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Thanks. I flashed it a week or so ago. I have done a few things with the machine since. So far the button/switches seem to perform better. No hangs and lockups as I was seeing before (so far with limited use).

They do need to address the problem with the positive cell contacts. I notice they sent a pack of magnets with mine. I have had to use them with several cells. But using them is not a great solution. Obviously Enova knows it is an issue. I wonder if new contacts will be able to be fitted to units like mine?

Has anyone seen a list of error codes and what they mean for the S8000. I was doing a refresh (capacity check) on some new Vapcell 3800 mAh cells. 1 Amp charge and 0.5 Amp discharge. After several hours the machine threw an error-06 code on all 4 slots. I have no idea what it means. Searching the most recent manual I don’t see any listing of error codes and what they mean.

It would be great if such a list was included in the manual.

1 Thank

After several hours the machine threw an error-06 code on all 4 slots.

ERROR(1) meaning: Lithium ion battery or LiFePO4 battery pre charging timeout
ERROR(2) meaning: Lithium ion battery or LiFePO4 battery charging timeout
ERROR(3) meaning: Ni-Mh battery charging timeout
ERROR(4) meaning: Ni-Mh battery pre charging timeout
ERROR(5) meaning: Discharging timeout
ERROR(6) meaning: Exceeded maximum capacity.
MAX CAPACITY has a default value of 3500mAh. If the battery capacity is 3800mAh, it is recommended to adjust this value to 3800 * 1.15. If you do not need this protection feature, you can set the value to 9999.

3 Thanks

+1 to this. I would also like to suggest to the use of less cryptic, non-numeric error codes directly in the charger display, even something abbreviated like “Err: MaxCap” is infinitely more informative than eg “Error 6” and would eliminate a lot of back-and-forth to the manual and eNova’s support.

With less cryptic codes, the manual can then provide more explanations about them, without the neede to “translate” to/from numeric codes

You are most welcome!

I’m a heavy charger user and albeit I like my MC3000 very much, I see a lot of potential in these Gyrfalcons and I think SkyRC needs the competition (their product seems to have mostly stagnated for the past couple of years, as until the Gyrfalcons, there was no product which approached their MC3000 in flexibility and capabilities).

The script idea is a good one, as it will make the Gyrfalcons more accessible for people with “moderate” knowledge and needs, but please also make available either the protocol specification, or (even better) a programming interface to the charger (eg a Python module or a C library), that would instantly make your product much more useful to us with more sophisticated needs.

IIUC, the script is executed in the Windows app, right? If so, please make sure there’s either a Linux version, or at least that the Windows app will work in Linux under a Windows VM (eg Virtualbox) or a Windows emulator (eg WINE), SkyRC’s app won’t and that’s a big drawback for me and every Linux user. Even better would be developing your app In a portable language (eg Python or C using portable libraries like Qt) and then opensourcing the app.

That’s it for now – as you can see I’m full of ideas :grin:and would like it very much to see these Gyrfalcon chargers reaching their full potential. :+1:

+1 to that. The contacts that SkyRC fitted in their latest MC3000 versions are not perfect, but they work reasonably well for me – so perhaps can have a look at them for inspiration (IMO there’s no shame in trying not to reinvent the wheel).

Including the magnets is thoughtful and obviously better than not doing anything, but using magnets is precarious and sometimes dangerous as they are prone to dislocation and then making the wrong sort of contacts, even shorting – which is something we definitely don’t want when handling high energy devices like Li-Ion batteries…

Thank you for the explanation. I will copy this and save it. But please consider putting this info in the manual. It needs to be readily available to all users of the charger.