hi do you like 2AA battery light? Jaxman M2 is ready

Ha Ha, back on February 28th when I bought this light I think this M2 had just went up for sale, one minute it wasn’t there the next it was, I immediately saw that (14500) and it was that number that actually got my gears working and besides liking the overall design and looks but then knowing Jax quality I bought a couple, When I received them I straight away tore them down and dropped a 17mm DD and then noticed the retainer ring, a complete shock but had they not posted that 14500 I might have skipped right past it and not thought much frankly, but glad they posted that myself, with that said someone will eventually as you have warned will read that wrong a pop in 2-14500 cells,
I did it for fun and I can confirm for sure the light output lasts about 1/1000 of one second and that’s a guess, poof, and then they will certainly be whining to Jaxman about “It says 14500” you can almost hear it now, wise warning from Hank for sure…!

Got pictures somewhere?

OK, here are a few quick pictures of the Jaxman M2 I just received a few minutes ago. (The “little critter” looking on in 3 of the pics accompanied my light to me……… :wink: … )

  • Outside Packaging well done

  • Inside packing very well done.

  • First view of M2

  • MCPCB w/ LED … Nicely done with the perfect amount of Thermal Paste
    <span class=“picture the for it remove to need no saw I joint. solder negative the by side right the on smeared “I” that paste thermal of bit small a is that coronary+; a has anyone +before yes, and”>

  • The M2, lanyard, & spare O-rings.

    First impressions are, like every Jaxman light I own; everything looks about as close to perfect as it could be.
  • Fit & finish are exceptional
  • Anodizing is great. This color dark Gray is fantastic!!! :+1:
  • Threads are “square” and very clean & smooth both ends of battery tube.
  • LED perfectly centered by butterfly spacer.
  • Solder joints small & well done
  • Inside of light clean as a whistle
  • Beam is nice and clean

This is a very nicely done AA light. Nicely done in every way as far as I can tell. For anyone who wants a 2 x AA light this is a great one.

Also, modding it; if anyone desires: will be very easy. :wink:

Color of the light itself is a personal preference of course, whether that color be Black or Gray.
As far as I am concerned, for me; the color of this light is fantastic!!!
Personally, I get tired of the same old Black all the time. But hey, like I said… personal preference. :wink:

Jaxman, this light is a winner!!! :+1:

No need to change anything about it in the design department. It is excellent as is. :+1:

Great job…. Great light. :+1: …. :slight_smile:

Out of time and have to go…………… :wink:

But this light is highly recommended………… :+1:

OH KNOW, Ha ha ha ha ha ha… hah hahahahahahhahha, Oh know it’s my little girls mouse, my girl is a cat… Holly smokes, she was sitting right there watching me put stuff in the box and is notorious for putting her mouses everywhere, in anything, in the cat water bowl to give them a bath, or on my bed pillow so when I wake up I see a mouse, in my shoes, everywhere so must have thought she’d send one to you… ha hah ha,
That is pics I am keeping how darn cool, hah hahahaha… Unbelievable… Oh boy that made my entire month… great pictures Teacher, all most messes me up or maybe smiling so hard it brings tears to me eyes, that is one of her favorite mouses, put she has way more than one that’s for sure, she’s sitting right here so I showed her how famous she is now. ha ha… Thanks Pal, just amazing to me and Mia… great pictures Teacher, Thank you so much.

Edit: Why do I look at Mia’s mouse and hear that song “Sweet home Alabama”… Long ways from home now ha ha… oh boy

Can you remove the driver easily?

EDIT, thanks for the reminder further down the thread.

Hank, remember the pictures here, First M2 tear down pics
The answer is YES, easy as ever, just a simple perfectly designed retainer ring, look at the pics I posted, it’s all right there, including showing how I sat a 17DD straight into the pocket just like that…

Well that’s sort of an interesting question so either running 2 *1.5v Lith cells at 3v over running 2 *1.2v eneloop NiMH at 2.4v… I’d say your safe Hank I suppose I could hook up an original driver for this M2 and my power supply and tell you for sure but I won’t, sorry, just try it and then tell me what happened. ha ha

Here’s those tear down pics by the way, 17mm driver and 16mm mcpcb
It’s best to click on pics and open it in the dump than scanning through the small pics here, just click on pic and you can enlarge them to see better.


Jaxman M2 AA Light, But not for long


Energizer lithium primaries are rated (open circuit voltage) as 1.8V

though they’d sag to 1.5v under load, I gather.
At most 3.6V — so should be OK on that driver, I’d assume.

PS, if Jaxman can arrange to ship a catnip mouse with each flashlight, our cat will be very pleased ……

Yep… what T18 said. :+1:

In fact, below is the post T18 linked to above in another thread. It is his impressions & thoughts of the M2 as a light & of “moddability” potential. Complete with teardown pics of the light… showing it’s excellent desjgn as well as fantastic fit & finish.
Disclaimer… Please note statement below before jumping to conclusions…

Well lets think this out your running 2 cells and talking Jaxmans stock driver you should be fine I think, but ask Jaxman really, I don’t know who much head room they have on those drivers, not much I’d guess, made for simple eneloops or akalines.

This driver is OK to use with one (1) 14500 LiIon … 4.2 v cell & a dummy cell according to Jaxman.

That’s the answer you need Hank, I thought I’d heard something about that but couldn’t remember, thank you again for the great pics Teacher, my little cat loved them, she started pawing at the monitor like how’d my mouse get in there? ha ha, I downloaded them to keep, they are so funny, that’s my cats for you, very generous little creatures…

That is hilarious the cat put it in the box T18. :slight_smile: I opened the box as soon as the mail lady gave it to me as I stood by my mailbox…… (she was running late too… :person_facepalming: … )

The first thing I saw was that little mouse…. I cracked up because I figured you had put it in there with the other goodies as a joke. So I was gonna be sure to have it in some of the pics. I guess Mia had the last laugh though. :wink:

Tell her I said thank you & if she can’t live without it I’ll mail it back to her. :smiley:

Ya, she did that on here own, she has two identical mouses like that one and she was sitting on the counter with that mouse in her mouth, but I wasn’t paying any attention to what she was up to but when I saw these pictures I hit the floor and knew what she had done, it is very typical of her, she’s always putting her mouses in my bed or on the pillow next to me or in my shoes, the water bowl to wash them and just everywhere you wouldn’t expect them and so she did deliberately drop that in your box, these pictures just made my month and I showed Mia how famous her mouse is now and she was looking and got a bit closer to the monitor then started reaching out and pawing at her mouse and turned around and I kid you not she can grin and she was grinning, really, these are some weird cats I have, sort of suit me perfectly, one nice weird little family… ha ha
Well I am thrilled, and I was thinking there was a holster I sent you that isn’t the best frankly but it’s open on the battery tube end and I was thinking I bet that might fit this light size wise to my recollection of size anyhow, maybe not, it does fit in my pocket real nice and that’s how I carry most bigger lights like this one, I don’t think the clip that comes with this light is worth a darn and I know I thought about sending the right size clips to change that but can’t remember if I actually did or not, Anyhow thanks Teacher you’ve really made me so happy today and I haven’t been this surprised or delighted in a long time, I laughed so hard it hurt my darn back… ha ha that’s worth it though… G.

Just FYI, there is no retainer in that pic, that is just how perfect a 17mm driver sits on the drivers shelf, perfectly, now you would put on the retainer next, the retainer was in the pics that followed this one.

Just thought I’d mention that if you have the Jaxman M8 thrower version with the smooth reflector and XPL Hi that reflector will work in this M2, takes a little bit to make it a bit more perfect, like sanding down the emitter hole a little and one of those 3m gaskets that they sell at Mt. and it’s a slight bit narrower at the lens but aligned it doesn’t show, I also used a fatter regular O ring than what the M2 has stock on the lens which is their new flat O ring so round O ring and the M8 smo fits great, both can be swapped around, the M2 reflectors beam looked good with the XPL Hi in the M8.

Can anyone do a little review in stock form please?

What do you want to know that hasn’t been said? :slight_smile:

No disrespect meant but I’m having to agree with Teacher, there is certainly more here than meets the eye, what I call a sleeper light for sure, and I’d suggest people who do decide to mod this light as I’ve shown, take a closer look at that stock LED used in these lights and think about it…! Remember the MCPCB is not DTP so go from there…

No disrespect taken. But ChibiM just wants to know about the stock light.

If there is something that has not been said, I’ll be glad to answer the question if I can. :slight_smile:

I’m glad you mentioned that about the MCPCB too, if I even knew it I had forgotten. :person_facepalming:

Just ordered 2 of the M2 AA lights, one Z1 and one M8 from Jaxman. Deleted the cells. Gotta stock up on my high quality Jax lights. :slight_smile: