High quality hosts for fairly cheap! Deal Alert!! Some WolfEyes AK6 discussion

I don’t want to start a discussion like what took place in another recent thread, but what’s pictured is not copper, it’s brass.

  • How is the LED retained in the pill?
  • I can’t tell for certain from the pics, but it looks like the 3 boards are a contact board, an MCU board, and then a buck or boost board. Can you measure the output voltage from the top PCB to the LED? [The MC-E is flexible in it’s configuration. It can be configured to be effectively 4s1p emitters (buck driver), 2s2p emitters (buck driver or buck/boost driver), or 4s1p (boost driver).]
  • What are the diameter of the PCBs in the driver? The MCU board should be easily replaceable with an ATtiny13A based board.

I wonder if the little lights on the carrier are to let you know if the carrier is “hot” while outside the light?