How do you stop buying flashlights and other related stuff

I know, just pretend to. :) (i also don't belive it)

the guy with the 30k spending flashlight spending habit, had a wife that spent 60k on shoes in the same six months, its all relative to your budget e.g if you have a mustang in the driveway and live in a trailer home you may need to reassess the financials.


1 show her how this a relativley cheap hobby, compared to some type of auto sport for example

2 does she buy purses and shoes etc , let add that up ...: )

3 also its about what makes you happy , i mean flashlight buying and making isnt "really crack" right ?

easiest way it to budget it e.g. $20 a month cumulative , one fast food meal a month

and think about it you actually get something besides the quickshits to show for it

Answering the original question:

"How do you stop buying flashlights and other related stuff?"

You don't.

Good answer.

put them somewhere she'll never think to look .. in you pants

Like that Big Momma movie?

Well you need a flashlight to check their eyes to see if they are all doped up or not if they start looking funny at your light ... just bash em with something hard and run like hell ..i found myself dowwntown last week looking for a fix .. willing to take anything from a quark to a trustfire really didn't matter I just knew I had to have a fix ,ran into Match trying to peddle mods outta the back of his car ..he was all hopped up on xml's

i can kick it anytime i want

scary stuff guess what I did today. No I'm not joking. ( number 168!) I hope it works.

If the missus finds it I will tell her its stainless and only cost $20.

The only problem with that is that she would see what I have been buying for the last six months and would start packing a suitcase: MINE!!

Hope it works as your last purchase? Hopefully not by methods including exposing your PP account.. That wouldn't be as much fun...

Just start getting yourself banned from flashlight forums. Problem solved. It seems to be working for me so far.


Here is a fool proof way to stop buying flashlights.

Buy the flashlight and send it to How2, sooner or later you will realise that you are not getting any benefits from buying flashlights and then you will give up.

You also get How2's Flashlight back guarantee. (Yeah dream on).

I am stopping now. I will restrict further purchases to budget lights. I have been showing a few off at work and have some interested people so may sell a few of the budget ones. It wont be easy though (for me). Funny thing I have only been really into this since September last year.

OMG!! I have had the V10R Ti for a couple weeks, and I have less than one quarter of the lights you do. If it gets worse as I accumulate more lights, what does that mean I will be buying when I have as many as you?

OMG That is one "nice" light. I am cured for a week at least.

So we can assume the high strength medication has arrived in a padded envelope?

Naa 'tis probably just a week until payday :P

I was all happy with what I bought so far and wasnt planning on buying anything else. I got in the car saturday with my flashlight, after checking for a coolant leak, and started explaining to my wife how it was a good thing I had this small portable light to take with us for the day so I could check and see if there were any other leaks on our van; to my surprise she says "Hey, I need one like that to keep in here all the time". YEP YOU SURE DO! So, I ordered a Trustfie F20 for her! I really am done for awhile now. Later found the leak on the van and had to order a radiator.

How lovely that your wife is full of surprises!