You can see the archived poll results on the Wayback Machine:
Just wondering, as the last poll was two years ago. I’m sure you haven’t aged too much during that time but I wanted to make this poll a little bit more specific as well as include the new members.
I was really curious of the demographic here.
I have finished my statistics course this year, and I was wondering if I could put it into some use.
Thanks for your input!
i am in the 100th percentile of the group :P
edit: dang other people voted now lol
The poll on the left side of BLF… is it usually like that?
yeah, the most recent poll will be up there
Oh sorry, I meant when I vote from that panel, it links me to a different thread with a red error bar on top.
oh, i dont know
Who voted for 0-5 LOL
Happens to me more often than not :~
I am in my Second Childhood, and boy is it fun! My Mind Says : “Go, Go, Go, and my body says: No, No, No… I wish I could sell my spare tire around my belly, and be able to remember where I have left my keys and wallet. Too, bad that Youth is Wasted on the Young…they don’t even know what to do with it. Yep, wish I could get a new model for my 12 year old brain… J) J)
was hoping to an option for “too old for this shit”
Forgetting where you left your car keys or wallet is nothing to worry about, we all do it. Having your car keys or wallet in you hand and forgetting what they are used for is cause for concern.
I’m not concerned…yet.
Old enough to know better..
…but still do it anyhow.
Is there really someone 11-15 here? I’m glad to see someone so young start so early!
my two sons love my lights, they are 1 and 2 1/2 lol I intend to build them their own lights next month. contenders for youngest flashaholics?
Wow, they might be the two youngest flashaholics, congrats!
Dang it, Pilot! That’s what I was planning to write.
I never realized how diverse we were. I’m in the 16-20 and thought there were more in this range.
nope, we’re mostly old farts tbh.
ryansoh3, they wont be getting li ion lights, just aa primaries, they will be nw though, so not only flashaholics but potential tint snobs lol