The version of Atmel AVR Studio 5 that works is 'as5installer-stable-5.1.208-full.exe' - the version you'll find if you get it through Atmel's site IS BROKEN AND WILL NOT INSTALL! Search for the exact filename above to get the one that works.
This applies to firmwares where the authors have released the source code - so for instance, minimo (momentary switches), minidrv (clicky switches), and the older version of luxdrv. NLITE is supplied only as a pre-built ready to use hex file so the steps shown here aren't needed, it's ready to be flashed as-is. I'm not sure if these same steps work with the BLF-VLD code, I haven't tried editing the included files (only flashed the ready-to-go hex/eep files) but unless there's something particular about Tido's code that needs tweaking to be used in AS5, it should work. Tido uses a completely different set of tools and I don't know if the code works the same across platforms. If you have any specific troubles with building (turning raw code into a hex file that can be flashed to the driver) of these firmwares it's probably best to ask for help in that FW's own thread, as I don't know squat about the code or even how/why this works, only that if I poke at the right buttons in the right order something usable comes out at the end (most of the time!).
Open your sample file (could be a plain txt file, .c file, or anything that looks like what's shown below when you open it), make any changes needed (mode levels/order, uncomment lines to enable/disable features, etc.). 'Select all', copy, then open AVR Studio 5.
Click 'New Project':
'AVRGCC C Executable Project', then 'OK':
Select 'tinyAVR, 8-bit' from the dropdown box...
...which will reduce the number of options, ATtiny13A is conveniently right there at the top. Then click 'OK':
It'll open the project with a generic template:
'Select all'...
...then paste in what you copied from the txt file:
Build > Build AVRGCCxx
If you get 'Build succeeded' and no errors in the status window at the bottom, it worked:
Go up to the R/H corner, expand the Output Files item, then double-click 'AVRGCCxx.hex'...
...the .hex will appear in the main window:
File > Save AVRGCCxx.hex As...
Name it something relevant and put it somewhere convenient:
Now you have a .hex file, ready to be put into avrdude and sent to the driver!