Update May 13, 2014: There have been many reported failures with the KD 5/7/9 LED drivers. My two here are ok on little runtime, but there have been many that fail after just a few minutes of runtime. Please Don't Buy!!
I know this is a rather dated light but I still like it's small form factor and ability to run on 3 26650's. There's been much discussion on it, but I haven't seen (maybe missed it) on details of the full mod of this light. Well, I went ahead and finally installed the KD 7 LED 3 mode beast driver, used Fujik epoxy to pot it, copper braided the springs, and got pretty decent results: 5,280 lumens @30 secs with fresh TF 26650 Flames, and it seemed to be holding up the output well, considering, after the potting of the driver. The tailcap amps was 3.6A stock, and 6.18A with the KD beast driver.
So, I went ahead and upgraded the XML's to XM-L2 U2 1C's on SinkPAD's.
Before, with 28 gauge wires:
After with 22 24 gauge wires, 20 gauge driver wires, AS5, 2500 GRIT sanded:
After buttoning it all up and tested, was very disappointed.
I'm getting 4.96A at the tail initially, and it drops steadily, and measured 5,865 @start, 5,162 lumens @30 secs with it dropping and at a good rate.
All LED's are lit up, appear to be even. I'm thinking the higher voltage demand of the XM-L2's may be the cause? Maybe the driver can't support that voltage well?
Maybe I should try the KD 9 LED version on this J18? Maybe I should try wiring out the center LED and try it with 6 XM-L2's?
I have a spare J18, so thinking of swapping the beast driver into the stock light just to check if it behaves the same as it did before with the stock emitters.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Conclusions (for now - Jan 11th)
- comfy noticed the max rated output voltage was only 23v and I measured just under that, so, I removed the center emitter, so with just a six-pack of XM-L2 U2 1C SinkPAD's, amp draw shot way up and also appears to be more stable (no dramatic drops)
- Best #'s on fresh SONY 26650 cells (unprotected, low resistance):
tail: 6.57A, lumens: 7,208 @start, 6,834 @30 secs, throw: 76 kcd (measured at 5m)
- With good protected cells (KeepPower 26650's using KK's):
tail: 7.37A, lumens: 6,970 @start, 6,691 @30 secs, throw: 75 kcd (measured at 5m)
- With another stock J18 on hand, I ordered a 9X LED 5 mode beast driver from KD and will see if I can get the full 7 XM-L2 LED's working well, probably will get higher output
Updates (Feb 20th)
Tried 4 cells as suggested by GBD - 3 SONY's and added a fresh KK button top. Took the last tube section off my other J18 and added to the 9X driver J18. Did a tailcap measurement - heard a crack as I touched the lead to the tube threads, holding the other lead to the battery -- nothing blew up, and it read over 7A. Yikes! That's like 112 watts!
Ok - it survived the tailcap measuremt, now for the 30 sec lightbox test. Here's the #'s:
9,452 lumens @start - 8,976 lumens at 30 secs
and it survived... so far. Ummm, the KD driver is not rated for 16V input, just 6-12V, so I suspect I'm in dangerous territory.
I finally beat the Chinese lumens printed on the light!!