M44 with UV 365nm option

My thinking is a little bit more throw and the 1900lm vs. 2200lm is such a small difference.

What you gain in throw you could lose by the lesser output, though I’m not sure about that.
Personally I got the D1K with 70.3 Hi in 4000K 70 CRI (on request) because I wanted to make sure I get a rosy tint. Output of those 70.3s is almost 3000 lumens, if that would be an alternative for you.

1 Thank

I like your thinking, I could buy a 70.3 70cri from hank on a mcpcb board, do you know if the 70.3 is 12v?

AFAIK they’re both 6V and 12V, depending on how you orient them on the mcpcb.

It’s not the orientation on the mcpcb, it’s a different mcpcp, with 5 pads instead of 3, that make the 4 dies of the emitter be in series (12V) instead of 2s2p (6V).

2 Thanks

I’ll just leave it here

$9 on aliexpress
2 times more amps than D1/KR1 xhp70.3 HI with 6V 4A driver

Just hope one day Hank starts working on that

3 Thanks

So (over)simplifying a bit Simon is now doing what Hank was a few years ago offering hotrod lights for a decent price.

2 Thanks

Maybe, but I want the best of both worlds. :smile:

Just got a prototype D4K-3ch, and now I can make some final adjustments to make it work better.

It turns out Hank and I assumed different wire connections, so we were seeing different things. So I’m fixing that.

The attiny1634 has 2 16-bit PWM generators and the other channel uses an 8-bit generator. So 1 of the 3 channels has lower resolution. We just made different assumptions about which one that was.

So I think I’ll add firmware support for both ways it can be wired. That way, Hank and anyone who mods lights can use whatever seems most appropriate at the time. The downside of this is that it’ll have yet another channel mode for people to turn off, depending on their hardware config.

  • Channel 1 only (8-bit): may be LEDs 1+2 or LED 4
  • Channel 2 only (16-bit): may be LED 3 or LEDs 1+2
  • Channel 3 only (16-bit): may be LED 4 or LED 3
  • All LEDs, tied together in equal amounts (as much as possible, anyway)
  • Adjustable blend between LEDs 3 and 4 (8/16/16 wiring)
  • Adjustable blend between LEDs 3 and 4 (16/16/8 wiring)
  • HSV style blend of all 3 channels? (unsure if this is useful, may leave it out)

Or maybe the alternate wiring will only swap 2 wires instead of all 3. Then channel 2 would always be LED 3, and the other 2 could be swapped.

The purpose of swapping wires is to ensure that the highest resolution ramp goes in the primary white LEDs. But depending on what the user chooses, that might mean LEDs 1+2 are white, or it might mean that LEDs 3+4 are adjustable white. Both can work, but need different wires connected to get the best results.

Meanwhile, the RGB version uses different firmware with different channel modes (and some different regular modes too). The details aren’t entirely determined yet, but the plan is for Off → 2H to activate a brand new mode group for user-configurable color modes.

4 Thanks

Just to be clear, any idea what Hank is shipping the triple channels with? I’ve got a triple channel RGB that will be delivered today.

1 Thank

Wow, I’m surprised to hear that shipped already, since the firmware for it isn’t written yet. :sweat_smile:

It’s probably the same as mine, I’m guessing… which is 8-bit red on LEDs 1+2, then 16-bit green and blue on LEDs 3 and 4. But the firmware was written with an assumption that it would be wired a bit differently, so I need to remap things and finish the firmware.

I’ve had mine for only a few hours. In the “all 3 channels” mode, it really makes some colors amazingly vibrant, especially anything red. Also, the blue mode causes some green objects to fluoresce, which is a cool effect. I have a neon green plexiglass clipboard which is very bright and opaque with the blue LED shining at it, but if I go into red-only mode, it goes completely clear like a pane of glass.

Also, the shadows are pretty wild. Everything gets colorful shadows which look like chromatic aberration, except exaggerated and visible in real life instead of just in photos.

1 Thank

Literally just took delivery of mine. I think it has “151” model code? I’m happy to test stuff if you need!

1 Thank

Yes, 0151 for D4K-3channel, and I’ll use 0152 for the RGB version.

1 Thank

So I guess I’ll need the 152 version whenever you finish it. This one has SST20 red, W2 green, and W2 blue.

A question just occurred to me. Are the 519A’s high CRI emitters? It’s not actually specified in the drop-down or descriptions unlike how it is with some of the other emitters.

1 Thank

Yep, they’re high CRI

1 Thank

All of them? Or are there 70 CRI versions?

1 Thank

Nope! All 90+ CRI. They look great.

1 Thank

Any chance it would be possible to do a three way tint-brightness-ramp from red to warm white to cool white (I think the LT1s pro can do that). I’m thinking something like:

  • Channel 1: 2x 519A 5000k (or 5700k)
  • Channel 2: 1x 519A 2700k
  • Channel 3: 1x SST-20 Deep Red

With the brightness-tint ramp going in reverse order (low channel 3, mid channel 2, high channel 1)
My thinking is that since the output is going to be low on the red and 2700k they get one LED each, and then as the brightness increases we switch to the channel with 2x LEDs for more power/efficiency. I could likely modify the firmware to do that, but it would be neat if that was a standard option.
I like this configuration, since normally when I want red or warm white I want low output, but then higher output in the cool whites.

1 Thank

I think the sm65 are 80 cri