LiitoKala lii – 100 CHARGER Who Likes 'em?

Received it couple of hours ago, and when I open I had what to see.

To mention receive same day ( today ), but in 2 different packages, from GB.

Hm, “face” lift indeed, same numbers on the back including the typo.

What typo? It seems they have at least corrected the wrong number für Li-Fe. My Version says 4.65V instead of 3.65V :wink:

Compatible < > Compalible

Right over the AAA in the list of compatible batteries.

Ah okay I see it now :wink: thanks!

But the board is a different revision number than any I have on the newest style unit. See here in the mod thread… New version

Did you ever get it resolved? They seem to have lost my package too and they won’t do anything about it.

What about the 500?
I once had a chart re the max voltage of batteries, and the percentage of charge left. I cannot find it. Anyone know where such a chart can be found?

The photo is a gnat's hair defocused, all of its whopping twelve million elements. :-D

I prefer the old style case sticker, honestly. ;-)

Cheers ^:)

Nice job! :THUMBS-UP:

What's the material you used to stabilize (glue) it?

Thank you :)

It's hot glue from "hot melt glue gun".

A-ha, got it. Thanks. :slight_smile:

Impressive work for sure. Nice & clean, looks like a “factory” job… or better. :wink:

(sorry ’mattlward’, I could not get your picture to post…. :question: …)

Thank you teacher :)

I plan to buy new design and do it even more precise if possible.

Your welcome XXX-Man… :+1: Good luck on getting it more precise than the one in the pic, it looks perfect to me. :slight_smile:

What did you cut it out with?

I have a couple of those voltage meters and I think I am gonna do a couple too…. you have inspired me. :wink:

I was surprised to learn, by trial and error mind you; that those little voltage meters have a calibration ‘screw’ (for lack of a better word).
One of mine was reading a bit low and I was able to dial it right in to accurate.

Thank you again for sharing. :slight_smile:

Anyone got a link to those voltage meters? I used to have a link to some on Banggood, but can’t find it. Now all the ones I see are to high minimum voltage.

Dusty, try\_gear/
this one (typical of 3-wire meters that use external power) claims a low end of 0 volts:

Or, low end 2.5v: Mini DC Voltage Meter - 2.5V to 30V - Red Digital Readout

Ooops, forgot about the “low end” voltage of the meter for NiMh use. Thanks for mentioning that ‘hank’. :slight_smile:

What is the “low end” voltage of yous XXX-Man ??

The ones I have now will not read NiMh.
Time to regroup a bit and find some. :wink:

mini DC Voltmeter @AE:

It's 99.9% perfect, I want it 100% :)

It was cut with dremmel tool and finished with "Snap-Off Blade Utility Knife"

Many of them have calibration, that's why I love them :)

I use this one

If you buy somewhere else make sure it's 0.28'' display as bigger won't fit and it has 2 wires (works from 2.5V). Also make sure it's 2.5V-30V or 2.5V-33V range, higher range require higher low end voltage and are less precise on low voltages.

Low end on mine is 2.5V.

You can't get any with lower voltage without using external power supply (as far as I know). It needs at least 2.5V to make LEDs light up.

Maybe if someone would make one with boost module inside to work on lower but haven't seen it.