GearBest has blown through the extended tubes they stocked for protected batteries. LuckySun can make some more, but the price will be higher for this run…I’m guessing around $5. They need interest in quite a few to make a run…guessing around 200, so I am making a list here for it. Please let me know if you want one or more:
Have they stopped production of this flashlight, so they’re selling off inventory but will never be making more?
Otherwise, couldn’t they run the tube production line an extra 20 minutes and have a few dozen extras without a special order?
(Or are they just making the short-tube version now, again? Seems odd to have an unprotected driver and unprotected cells as the only configuration though.)
Regular tube (shorter) because the long tube is not needed on that version. It has the original tailcap, which doesn’t need a long tube for protected batteries.
So, anyone care to start a thread on how to mod the stock blinkies flashlight, to get better LED and driver?
If they can be found as hosts, or cheap, of course. If people show interest, might be someone (Max?) can dig some up.
It’s a nice enough handful, and big and easy enough to take apart, that it would make an interesting project for people new at this stuff.