Lights with electronic switches are becoming quite popular, I also like them, because they give more flexibility regarding the UI. Similar to MiniDrv, a small firmware for clickies, I made a minimalistic firmware for momentary buttons, named it MiniMo (MINImalistic driver for MOmentary switches) and decided (not lightly; I hope people still buy some drivers from me so I can buy some flashlights...) to share it.
The UI is simple but consistent: A long press (>0.4s, so it's not that long) switches the light on and off (with memory), a short press switches to the next mode (circular) when on.
To configure, just add/delete/edit the values in the modes[]={...} line.
//MiniMo -- minimalistic driver firmware for momentary buttons (no blinkies) -- DrJones 2014 #define F_CPU 4800000 //use fuses low:0x75 high:0xff #include <avr/io.h> #include <util/delay.h> //change modes here; just change/add/delete values. The "0" is 'off' uint8_t modes[]={0, 8,90,255}; //PWM values, 5..255 - LEAVE THE "0" THERE int main() { DDRB=2; PORTB=8; //define PB1 as output and pull-up switch on PB3 TCCR0A=0b00100001; TCCR0B=0b00000001; //PWM setup, 9kHz uint8_t count=0,mode=0,lastmode=1,waspressed=0; //define some variables used below
while(1) { //endless loop
if ((PINB&8)==0) { //when the button is pressed (PB3 pulled down) count++; //count length of button press if (count==16) { //pressed long (8*50ms) if (mode>0) {lastmode=mode; mode=0;} //was on? -> off, but remember the mode else mode=lastmode; //was off? -> on, with previous mode. } waspressed=1; //remember that the button was pressed, see below } else { //button not pressed if (waspressed) { //but it was pressed, so it has just been released! waspressed=0; //reset that if (count<16 && mode>0) { //really was a short press AND the light is on mode++; if (mode>=sizeof(modes)) mode=1; //next mode } count=0; //reset counter } }
OCR0B=modes[mode]; //set PWM level (0 is off)
_delay_ms(25); //wait a bit before checking again, important for counting
I think this may help a couple of projects here.
License: CC
EDIT Since people seem to like Werner's UI (short press for next mode, long press for previous mode, like in mobydrv; but OFF is just one of these modes) and since it is already implemented elsewhere, i thought I'd just show how easily it can be implemented in MiniMo, too. Only 4 lines had to be edited, marked with **, and the lastmode variable declaration was omitted.
I also changed the timing a bit (25ms delay in the main loop) to make it respond a bit quicker.
//MiniMo -- minimalistic driver firmware for momentary buttons (no blinkies) -- DrJones 2014 //Up&Down variant ("Werner's UI") #define F_CPU 4800000 //use fuses low:0x75 high:0xff #include <avr/io.h> #include <util/delay.h> //change modes here; just change/add/delete values. The "0" is 'off' uint8_t modes[]={0, 8,90,255}; //PWM values, 5..255 - LEAVE THE "0" THERE int main() { DDRB=2; PORTB=8; //define PB1 as output and pull-up switch on PB3 TCCR0A=0b00100001; TCCR0B=0b00000001; //PWM setup, 9kHz uint8_t count=0,mode=0,waspressed=0; //define some variables used below
while(1) { //endless loop
if ((PINB&8)==0) { //when the button is pressed (PB3 pulled down) count++; //count length of button press if (count==16) { //pressed long (16*25ms=0.4s) if (mode>0) mode--; // ** decrease mode else mode=sizeof(modes)-1; // ** wraparound } waspressed=1; //remember that the button was pressed, see below } else { //button not pressed if (waspressed) { //but it was pressed, so it has just been released! waspressed=0; //reset that if (count<16) { // ** really was a short press mode++; if (mode>=sizeof(modes)) mode=0; // ** next mode } count=0; //reset counter } }
OCR0B=modes[mode]; //set PWM level (0 is off)
_delay_ms(25); //wait a bit before checking again, important for counting