Hi, I wanted to know what I could get out of a small EDC, with all the copper and stuff nowadays, so I tried to find out. I'm sure some of you have made similar mods already, but I thought I'd just share mine.
I started with two small cr123 Spiderfire lights (Spiderfire C-010, from Fasttech, $8.59 each). It is very similar to the popular Ultrafire 602H host that is even much cheaper. The Spiderfire is just a bit shorter and of better quality, but the real reason to choose it is the cool name and logo .
I wanted one with as much output as I could make in this size, and one with the best throw.
The build:
For the output mod I chose a XM-L2 3C led (sorry, even here no cool-white for me) on a copper Sinkpad and connected it direct drive to the battery. Since the stock light (with a XR-E led) to my surprise did not have a driver either I could directly use the already empty driver board, I just reinforced the connections to the battery contact plates a bit and used thicker wires. Oh, and I put a nicer and smooth reflector in, and a cheap AR-coated lens (from Fasttech). Had to make the solder blobs on the led board as flat as possible to get them out of the way of the reflector, but also put some Kapton tape in between. Some pictures:
The stock light: with the empty board
and XR-E led.
new wires with better connections for max current, solder blobs flatter than the insulation gasket.
For the thrower mod I had to do a bit more work: the led is a dedomed XP-E2 R3 led, 1D tint (but not anymore after dedoming), mounted on a copper Sinkpad, the driver is a BLF-mini driver that supplies the led with 1.85A on high with a Efest 16340 IMR battery (because of the limited length of the flashlight I could only use a driver with components on one side, so a 6x7135 linear driver that delivers a bit more current was not an option, and I never tried piggybacking chips thusfar), a nice deep smooth XP-type reflector was used, and a AR coated lens (from dx I believe this one). Pictures:
The dedoming was done hot, just off the hotplate from reflowing on the Sinkpad.
The parts used. The reflector was sanded down some on the exit side just so much that the front o-ring still covers the sanded edge. This was done because with the longer reflector and thicker led-board I ran out of flashlight length (and the o-ring blocked the light from the extra reflector length anyway). I finally did not use the insulation gasket because the focus of the hotspot was better without it (led deeper into reflector), I used some Kapton tape instead.
The pill assembly. Note that my humble 15W solder iron barely manages to melt the solder with these Sinkpads.
I decided on a light cosmetic touch with orange o-rings in the middle and blue switch caps (both heads do not screw on the body fully because of extra length of the pill and reflector, but still screw against the o-ring). So here they are:
Both lights were measured with freshly charged Efest IMR 16340 batteries.
The XM-L direct drive light: output on start 840 lumen, dropping within 10 seconds to 670 lumen (I did not measure current but I guess it to be about 2.8A at start, dropping quickly to 2.2A), then slowly decreasing probably following the draining of the battery. I don't expect the quick output drop at start to be a heating-up effect, but rather that it comes from the battery. The throw at 30 seconds was 4.2 klux@1 meter. (On a Nitecore NL 166 Li-ion battery the output was lower: 660 lumen at start, rapidly going to 540 lumen, then slowly decreasing). I had this light switched on until the battery was drained, cooling the light in my hand (it gets very hot but still bearable) with no problems. Wisely I did not measure the runtime . (15 minutes?)
The dedomed XP-E light: output was much more steady, and 284 lumen at start. And it has indeed a respectable throw : 16 klux@1 meter. I really love that throw for such a small light!
White wal hunt (under-exposed to show the hotspot):
(The XP-E beam is around the corner, but the same distance from the wall)
Tree hunt (the tree is at 25 meter), the XM-L light mouse-out, mouse-over the dedomed XP-E light:
Some comparisons, mouse out: no light, mouse over (just because I love it) my ShadowTC300 MT-G2 direct drive mod :evil: :
That all for now, I think these lights perform quite different from the usual stock light out there, I like them and I hope you like them too :-)
Thanks for reading.