MTN Electronics: LEDs - Batteries - Lights - Chargers - Hosts - Drivers - Components - 1-Stop-US Source

Ha ha, nope! I think that Mattaus has already got those covered, and admittedly I'm not a huge P60 guy. I have a few and build them but they just don't catch my fancy like some other lights do. ;-) Good guess though!


Richard, just a public shout out, thanks for all the help! _

An all copper head/pill for direct replacement on a Convoy S2 host?

A little bigger than those mentioned, but I don't want to spill the beans quite yet! It isn't nearly as orsm as MRsDNF's projects, but I think it's going to be pretty cool.

Whatever it is, you get my interest, Richard! Can’t wait!

Richard, how does the Nanjg 101 driver work after re-flashing with Nlite or Star FW? They both use stars to set options, but this driver has none. :~

You have to get a bit more creative, but you can still do it. You just need to connect the respective Star's pin to ground.

It may take a little tweaking going forward, but I finished setting up a simple newsletter program, so you can receive the latest product updates, sales, and coupons direct to your e-mail if you'd like.

Sign up here.


Tried to subscribe dosnt work, it tells me cant send information try resend


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Running Firefox on Win XP and I chose the text option for the newsletter. Used Reload and repeated three times unsuccessfully. Yahoo mail service.

Of course! Thanks!

I had the same newsletter failure, tried Yahoo, Gmail, and Hotmail/Outlook whatever the heck they changed it to.

Please hold. I am going to redo things...I think I broke it.

Just signed up for the newsletter and it went without a hitch. Sent me an email with a link to activate it. No problems.

Subscribing to the newsletter worked for me. I even did it twice to make sure after I read the above posts. What I did not do is select the "HTML Option" if that makes a difference.

Richard - How do I delete one of the subscriptions so it doesn't send me duplicates every time?

You are only subscribed once. I ended up reinstalling the software, since I had messed it up trying to custom modify some of the code. It should be working now for everyone.

It works now.

did someone say COUPONS? :money_mouth_face:

edit: waiting for the announcement from Richard that he is quitting ‘Law’ and devoting himself completely to the Flashlight business, that he just signed a lease on a warehouse, and is running employment ads…

Isn't coupons and specials one of the main perks of being on a mailing list?

Nope, not quitting law anytime soon! This flashlight business is a hobby that thanks to all of you has grown to be a little more than that.