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Oh Plllllllease TK! Am I gonna have to get a CNQC brass 18650 and prove you wrong? :stuck_out_tongue:

Sinner lights fit triples easily, almost all his 18350 EDC line are made for triples. I have kinda become the Sinner repair shop for the wayward and abused Sinner lights. :smiley:

Dangit, gotta buy a CNQC now…. the gauntlet has been thrown

So when’s some knowledgeable entrepreneur going to open up a slightly-used-flashlight consignment shop?

Don't tempt me...

They are very close at a 3A load, with the MJ1 slightly better. But at higher loads, the GA is the stronger performer. See the testing here:

Wow! What a great idea! And hopefully they will BUY nice used lights, sending out prepaid address labels for shipping. THEN I can get rid of 90% of my shelf queens, and many will be blessed. None of my lights have more than like 10 minutes on them.

thanks for getting the wheels started Hank.

Good luck. It might technically be possible, but the parts are going to need major trimming and I’m not sure the result will end up very nice. Here’s a triple optic on top of the brass 18650’s bezel:

my triple parts were shipped today so I'll be working on this monday lol

I figured it would need some trimming, luckily I have a dremel, and I know how to use it! The issue so far hasn't been a question of wether or not I can shoehorn it, but why would I want to put a triple in when the xpl makes the light hot! A triple will be unbearable to hold after a few seconds I'm sure.... i was thinking nichia because they don't put out as many lumens but after I looked at some specs they still get up over 1,000 lumens per emitter might end up with a 3.05A driver lol, who knows I'll try the fet first. Those first few seconds I can hold the light though, they will be GLORIOUS!!

Oh, do let me tempt you…… not you personally, but perhaps a competent employee could make it worthwhile to check and describe and package such last-year’s-loved lights, if you got them from people who’d tell you the truth about’em, anyhow. Not taking in random crap from strangers to resell tho’.
Most of us know the little idiosyncracies of the lights we’ve fiddled with.

Competent employee? Those are getting harder and harder to find, at any price.

I know, right? I tried to hire a helper, and included a trivial coding “homework” assignment in the application process… Like, a 5 minute effort at most. But not one person gave me a functional program.

So, you’re a PhD with 15 years experience in 8 programming languages? Cool. But if you can’t build even a trivial program, GTFO.

:open_mouth: !!!

What a sad, sad world. :_(

RMM, do you add your own button tops to cells or do you buy them pre-mounted? I have some pulls and the button tops from fasttech, just trying to figure out the best way to attach them.

So…you had to make Dale leave? Lol


I would totally hire Dale. He’s consistently awesome.

I would like to be Dale reading this. Kind words TK.

Dale knows hard labor. English. Dales computer programming skills died in 1980 (girls name, Dana). Dale is slow, paid by the hour I’d be rich, by the job I’d starve to death.

Thanks TK, appreciate it. But you’d tell me to GTFO in short order when the homework assignment was turned in. :wink: lol

Dale thinks inside/outside the box/galaxy (when Dale thinks) so don’t be surprised if the Brass Beauty ends up with a 50mm Tellurlium Cu head on it and a massive triple optic churning out 10,000 lumens via triple XHP-50 emitters. :stuck_out_tongue:

Your definition of “doesn’t fit” is not necessarily MY definition…

PS: While I’m not necessarily planning to do that, above, I DO have the tellurium copper and 50mm triple optics and 3 XHP-50’s on a star from Cutter. Just sayin…

I totally agree with the awesomeness.

Do any of Mtn’s drivers not have over-discharge protection?

I was looking at the 15mm 5x7135 Driver and didn’t see mention of that protection.
Was wondering which sort of battery I should be using with those drivers.

MTN’s 15mm 5x7135 driver utilizes NLITE, NLITE Turbo, or Star firmware, and as such all options have low voltage protection. Being a lower output driver, the high discharge cells are not necessary and virtually any laptop pull will work well with this driver. Protected cells will work well too, as the current draw is well under the protection circuit’s limitations and this would make for a safe loaner light.

The factory spot welds them.