MTN Electronics: LEDs - Batteries - Lights - Chargers - Hosts - Drivers - Components - 1-Stop-US Source

I’ll keep an eye out to see when u add the L6 to your website.

RMM any plans to stock XPG-3 90+CRI leds?

Possibly. I looked and I actually might have some here that I forgot about....I need to check out this product code. I may have some ~4000K 90+ that I forgot about!

That would be awesome! Hope you do.

I hope you do, I’ll be looking out for them.


Please, a good Driver to use in Supfire L3 whit XHP50?.

Thank You.

This may do ok:

Choose the zener, 2 cells, assuming you are gonna use the L3 with 2 cells, of course.

I noticed on the site that the FET+1 drivers don’t have the option for a zener mod. Is this because the 7135 has to burn off too much voltage and will generate too much heat? If so, in principle is it possible to edit the mode levels in the FW so that the 7135 is only used for moonlight mode? At the very low current I would think heat would not be a problem.

Exactly. If you tune the mode levels to utilize the 7135 for moonlight only it works. Beyond that, even at very low duty cycles, they will burn up over time. I had a few that I did early on that I thought were OK at only around 5% duty cycle but later those who had them started experiencing problems.

You'll find that most of the 6V LEDs go pretty low on just the FET though, lower than a lot of the 3V LEDs do. Not firefly level, but low enough for me most of the time.


PM send.

Ooops. So any classic 2cell zener mod on a Nanjg/Qlite is gradually killing the driver?

What about this (older) statement from a well respected member, is it obsolete?


I had considered this “only voltage difference matters” as common ground and wanted to use a 12x7135 driver in a 2cell MT-G2 light. Comes a bit of a blow to read the driver will be in shambles shortly…

It is still the voltage difference (that is burned off by the 7135) that is important. With a 1x7135, the voltage difference is largest because the current is small which means the voltage sag is small. With a 6V setup the voltage difference is doubled, which is why it becomes a problem.

As 7135 chips are added, voltage sag increases and the voltage difference decreases. My guess is with 12x7135, the chips will still be dissipating more heat than your average 3V setup, but maybe it will be fine?

Richard, is your 20mm AR lens the same one Simon sells in his store? I want a decent lens, but I’m not going to drop $7 on a UCL

Any luck locating the LEDs?

No, it is the same as iOS. I am not sure how it compares to Simon's lens.

Turns out they are just more XP-G3 S5 3A. I though maybe I had something else but then I checked the product code and it's just S5 3A. I'll get some 90+ soon.

So we're back in action again. No more vacations for a while!!! Vacations are great, but man it's hard to get get ready to go then come back when you've got your hands full with so many different things that don't stop when you go away. If you've got an outstanding order, please know that I'm burning the midnight oil to get it done as fast as possible.

I have had a few projects I've been working on for a while. One of them was getting some reasonably affordable copper quad P60 shells made. I have had a ton of requests for these since the quad TPAD MCPCBs came out; lots of people want to build a quad P60, but they were having a hard time finding a P60 shell for them, so hopefully problem solved! If not, I'll have a ton of expensive pretty copper ornaments!

I hope you are all having a great week so far. I am trying to rearrange my schedule so I can have a bit more BLF and tinkering time again...I've been missing being around here as much as I used to be.

One of those P60 shells will find it’s way over here in the coming weeks. You can count on at least one. :smiley:

Richard, (or anyone who knows) if I order a ATTiny13 chip from Mountain, and I want to use it with a dual-channel driver with e-switch, can I order custom modes specifying the PWM levels for each channel? I know exactly what I want, but I don’t have the equipment or the skill to flash MCUs.

No problem. Just let me know what the setup is in the checkout comments.