i recieved my TK35 clone from DX right in time for christmas and i just fell in love with it. great UI and just great size for what it has inside.
The only thing what kinda disappointed me was the output.
it had a XM-L T6 in it and only ran at 2A so i instantly went into modding mode.
Lucky for me my IOS order arrived the same day, i ordered a MT-G2 on copper.
(damn that MT-G2 is big!! first time i bought one)
i turned the TK35 into a TK35UE.
i had to opened up the reflector to fit the big led. That was an easy task. i taped the inside of the reflector with some electrical tape to avoid scratches.
i took a triangular file and just turned it around and the reflector was almost good to go.
i just needed to to some cleaning up.
the cleaning of the hole was not as easy as planned as some metal pieces bent while filing into the reflector. this had to be cleaned out very carefully.
after the reflector it was the drivers turn. i was not sure if the stock driver could run the MT-G2. i searched the forum but could not find anything that made sure it would.
i just thought i would try it and yep lucky me! the stock driver does run the MT-G2!
i ran an Amp test on the stock modes with a MT-G2 and got the following results:
(amps taken at the LED)
L-L : 0.06A
Low: 0.20A
Med: 0.98A
High: 2.25A
after replacing all the wires between the double boarded driver and jumping the sence resistors i got:
L-L : 0.16A
Low: 0.35A
Med: 1.60A
High: 3.40A
this puts it at +–2000Lumen all losses included. 8)
changed the wires between the 2 board to bigger wires
better view on jumped resistors.
not sure if it helped much but it was fun doing and copper never hurts.
i really happy with how the mod turned out.
im sorry for the crappy quality, i took them with my phone.
Low, compared to modded TR-J19 3A per LED
Med, compared to modded TR-J19 3A per LED
High, compared to modded TR-J19 3A per LED
ofcourse the TR-J19 is brighter and the throw on that light is amazing, but i love how the modded new-117 is just more user friendly with its small design and still puts out a crazy amount of light.
thanks for reading