New upgrade designs for Wurkkos TS25. Which one would you prefer?

You could upgrade the light with a better (Boost/regulated) driver, better charging port and cover, better switch. But leave the body the same. Right? I mean just a thought. Though a good assortment of colors could be nice as well.
In any case I have my 2 original TS25s, So I am OK. :smiling_imp:

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Having two driver types doubles the number of hardware flavors to produce. More flavors means more expensive, because there are more productions runs of fewer parts, and assembly and inventory management are more complicated. It also adds the cost of developing a new driver. This runs counter to the goal of keeping costs down.

However, it would be nice. A buck+DDFET driver could provide great efficiency on low and medium modes, while still allowing really bright high and turbo.

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I guess hard. Change two options of structure means double cost. :thinking:

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I wasn’t clear I think. My suggestions should have been written as a list where you could pick one or more to look at for the new model. I have no idea what the cost for redesign and production of a whole new body, versus changing the switch and cover, or an upgraded driver. I guess my point is that if you are just changing the light for the sake of change, there are other features that could be changed other than the body,

E1 design looks nice but if really you want to make a worthwhile upgrade look at all user reviews of the TS25.

As an owner of two TS25 I really do not like the aggressive step down in turbo mode, within 5 - 10 seconds the lights go from 3800 lumens to 850 after 30 seconds and then settle below 300 after just few minutes. Comparable lights with same LEDs can hold 500-500 lumens. A buck+DDFET driver, as suggested by the Anduril’s creator, could provide best of both worlds.

It is also pity that the LED in the switch of the TS25 is not connected to the 1616 and can’t be controlled by the software. Lastly, the magnet is weaker and can barely hold the flashlight.

Please, keep Nichia, Anduril 2 and flashing pads on the new model. If you were to improve driver/performance and design while keeping other great features the TS25 v2 would be very hard to beat!

A buck+FET driver doesn’t help with the quick thermal step down, it would actually make it worse since in the current implementation there is no FET PWM dimming and solving that problem isn’t simple.
A boost driver is an overall simpler, proved solution, Sofirn has made couple of 5.5~6A 6V boost driver based on MP3431/32 which can provide an appreciable increase of brightness vs Hank’s 4A6V drivers, dunno if Wurkkos use the same EEs as Sofirn or not for designing the drivers.
It’s also important to note that a buck+FET driver FET channel has more resistance than a classic FET driver, making its output advantage (with a full cell) over a boost driver smaller, and as the cell discharge, output parity is reached sooner.

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i wonder if a fresnel lens will be cheaper compared to the current TIR setup

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If it will get boost driver with good efficiency, and the aux led on low have low drain, I will consider it.
You do have boost driver already, why not just change PCB for it to run 4 x 3V led.

and yes, the previous version was hideous visually.

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My favorite is F.

In my opinion it is more important to have the most efficient driver and the highest color rendering index and the lowest amount of heat.

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I think four aaa lights taped together would have better sustained output.

So what’s the deal with this light? I have a theory some of these inefficient fet+1 drivers themselves are making a lot of heat. That’s why upping the thermal stepdown limit works to sustain some output - the sensor is in the driver and the driver heats itself up before the LEDs get a chance to really heat up the body.

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I like the original design. Looks like a big TS10.

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Design - B.
Also I would like to see a tail cap…

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When will the redesigned TS25 be available?..
I was going to buy it during this Christmas sale, but the design is still the same… sad.

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Which design were you looking for.

All 7 designs are better than the current one, so I’ll definitely buy whichever one is adopted.
But personally, I think A and D are cool.

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The communication and design of new Boost Driver design spend a lot of time. Now we have to delay the completion time to 2024 :sob:

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Thanks for the update, I’m glad it’s not being rushed. Getting TS22-like boost runtimes is more important.

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Take as long as you need. It’s better to have a polished product a bit late than a rushed product that has major flaws. (If TD01 went to market with TD01C spec it would sell a lot more)

I am interested in this TS25 upgrade. A good driver and ok physical appearance and you get a sale from me.

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Thanks for the update!
BTW, I saw a model called TS26 on reddit, is that different from this one?
TS26 seems to be a bit longer than the TS25. (TS25 108mm, TS26 128mm)

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They’re the same

It’s going to be longer, maybe the length is to accommodate the boost driver like the TS22

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